Don’t laugh guys, I’m Serious. I was sealproofing the basement of my house (at least my daughter was) and I made sure that she was well covered in old clothes and a HAT!
Any way she finished the job and Went off to her paying job (heh, heh I love exploiting children) anyway she’d stopped short of where the job needed to be finished to. So dad grabbed the roller and covered the last bit up and stood back to check the work. That’s when a great big blob of sealant landed in my hair and on my neck.
No problem I thought. I’ll just dip a rag in acetone and wipe it off.
Not only no, but heck no!
I’ve tried fingernail polish remover (wife’s suggestion) I tried pouring acetone over the hair to remove it. Short of soaking for a month in acetone does anyone really know how to get this stuff off? I don’t want to go to work for the next however long with a great big gob of black basement sealant stuck to my head.
I've got two solutions Frenchy.
1) Disguise that blob by placing a second one on your forehead. They'll never notice the blob in your hair if they keep staring at the one on your forehead.
2) Welcome to the skinhead club. You might try a blazing orange mohawk for that sexy look.
*Blue, You're enjoying my pain entirely too much! :-)
*Frenchy, my man, crew cuts are in style. It's great, you don't even need to buy shampoo! I haven't needed to use a comb for over a year!
*Frenchy,out here in So Cal all the kids are shavin their heads and growing gotees. Man it looks like your gonna be hip. All you'll need is a scate board and hang out on the beach :)
*frenchy,hey, i'm 1/2 french so i know how you feel. once, while working for an arborist,i got a bunch of that black coating that they cover the spot where you cut the branches off all over my head. it seems the tree guy was a sloppy s.o.b.(100% french canadian}.anyway,what i ended up using was mechanics soap, the kind that you can use to wash your hands without water that comes in a can. let it stand for a little while and it should loosen up. it works great on paint too. also i use that stuff to get grease and oil from my carharts too. maybe you might look like gorby if you don't get it out! good luck c.c.p.s. why do you want to keep seals out of the house? i think they're cute.
*Gosh, Frenchy,I think that you need to slow down and not jump to any rash conclusions regarding your hair. We are all suffering over your hair, too. Sometimes the quick solution isn't always the best. You should get counseling about this. I wouldn't rush to put acetone or mechanics soap on it, or chop it off or anything. Sit back and think about this, talk to friends who've been through it before, and learn the lessons of hair history. Keep that blob in your hair for a while while you mourn. If you try to forget it and "get back to normal" too soon, it's just likely to happen again and again, and where will it end? Be proud of your blob. Probably many of your friends will go get blobs in their hair today to support you.(I mean this in a very gentle spirit of humor; I just can't quit laughing. Please don't jump on me. Cut it short, and let your hair grow back.)
*Naptha. Lighter fluid is your cheapest source for naptha. Try a little on a spot and see how fast it dissolves. If it takes too long, Fast Orange hand cleaner works pretty well too.James DuHamel
*Frenchy-As a former industrial chemist, I can tell you that you need a non-polar solvent to dissolve tars. Acetone is a polar solvent (and nail-polish remover is also acetone based). Try mineral spirits or naphtha. If that doesn't work, tell all your friends that the new short haircut is a statement. Then figure out what kind of statement you need to make that involves cutting off your hair.Good luck, -Rob
*For heavens sake, gentlemen, is it standard practice for you people to put stuff like lighter fluid and acetone in your hair? Is THIS the root of spontaneous human combustion? This can't be good for his skin, and God forbid he smoke, maybe? Cut the stuff out.
*Peanut butter(more likely, peanut oil), removes pitch and sap, it might be worth a try....
*Theodora:"gentlemen"Who you talking' to?Come on, think about it, we're not just guys (which is excuse enough to anoint ourselves with inductrial fluids) we're [raggedy drum roll here]i construction guysYou'd be amazed at how holding your head at angle to keep too much from running down your torso will also (i) keep the cigarette smoke out of your eyes and (ii) keep that hot tip a safe distance from the aforesaid highly volatile industrial fluid BTW, the closest emoticon for tongue in cheek is probably : the antique on-line-ese for Grin, Duck and Run. Unfortunantely, these upstart world wide web types with their HTML brackets have lead to the disgraceful situation where bracketed material diaappears on may web based bbs'sBTW, what's this 5b stuff? Some kind of code or did you wander over from the gardening boards?Glass City area?
*Robert, I'm no chemist, but I knew that mineral spirits, keosene, or even WD 40 would cut the tar. I just wasn't going to tell Frenchy about that stuff. I was hoping that he'd get a lesson in humility. You ruined his possible lesson.blue
*Yes, 5b is my USDA gardening zone, and have skulked over here from gardening and sewing occasionally because my hubby is a Very Important Professor who is afraid of power tools and home repair and I have to do it all. Lots of good info and entertainment here. Glass City doesn't ring a bell. The emoticon thing...I'm determined to resist them as long as possible It seems to me that you have to use the shift key all the time to make them and it's easier for me just to write the words. So that's my tag line so people know most of the time I'm being sarcastic. But G,D&R is a good one. (Darn it, shift key again!) I'm taking an HTML class and I wish I had a keyboard with the brackets by themselves.I am a lady, therefore you gentlemen are gentlemen, right? And yes, I realize there are other ladies who post here. It looked like guys so far in this thread or I would have said "ladies and gentleman." Besides, we girls get sticky stuff in our hair all the time, we just turn it to our advantage. And we all know how alluring you construction boys can be. Calling you gentlemen just makes you blush and you're even sexier, right, ladies?i You'd be amazed at how holding your head at angle... Right, you construction guys and Michelangelo!!!!
*I vote for WD-40. It takes care of most this kind of stuff without causing dry skin and pain. Anmd anybody who doesn't have a can or two around is living in the stone age. Olive Oil can do well too, with a gentle massaging action, if Popeye doesn't mind.Mnay years ago, when I was doing built up roofs we used a product that was probably a lot like the mechanics hand soap but liquid. I think it was called Rid-XXX or X-gone or something. It was water soluble after using. Roofing wholesalers might have it.
*use a cooking oil to remove tar compounds. Nice and safer than acetone. Then wash off the residue with regular soap
*Mr. Weiner is right about the polar and non-polar stuff. Since gasoline is so flamable and expensive, try kerosene or fuel oil. You might have to soak your head in it longer tho. Since this seems to be a brainstorming topic, I hereby present other alternatives: 1) Wear a hat, preferably a stovepipe hat. 2) Don't get stuck to your pillow. Eventually your hair will grow out enough that the next haircut will take care of it. Meanwhile sleep sitting up or with a non-stick salad bowl on your head. 3) Asphalt/tar has a relatively low melting point. Have you considered a blowtorch? 4) To remove gum from carpets, we used to spray Freon on it. Freon is now a banned drug but you could soak your head in liquid nitrogen and shatter the blob with a ball peen hammer. 5) Most carpenters have a reciprocating saw. My Lenox catalogue doesn't recomend any particular style but most any blade will probably work without the blade being exposed to too much wear and tear since this is a small footprint job. Hope this helps a hole lot. -Peter
*Man, all this crap he's gonna be rubbing into his hair, he'll be lucky if it all doesn't just fall out!
*Theodora, I believe Toledo is/was known as the glass city.
*Yep, I was thinkling Toledo, Theo's tag reads "Zone 5b, OH" There's a stretch of Ohio alomng Lake Erie that's 5b if I recall.I've rarely used "emoticons," too cute, but have always like , , LOL (until captured by AOLies) and ROFLOL. And let's not forget RTFM (from the early days of ad hoc on-line peer to peer help)
*No, I'm down here in the tag end of Appalachia, halfway between Columbus and Wheeling. Toledo might as well still be in Spain for all you ever hear of it in this part of the state.
*There's not a whole heck of alot between Columbus and Wheeling is there?
*Of course, there's not a whole lot in Toledo
*Absolutely right. Just a lot of highway fumes. And nice people, even if they're not Southerners.
*The citrus based cleaners are good for removing tar.
*Thank you, Robert Weiner, Blue, and Piffin, I tried WD40 and it sure works! After about 10 minutes of spraying and rubbing we were able to get a comb thru my hair. a few more minutes and we got the last of it out. Thank you! I ignored it this morning and just went out and worked on the new addition. Happy days! I've started timber framing. I put the 1st three pieces up today and I gotta say they look good!. They are the 18"x8" x8ft. that frame the entryway door. I used the new Mikita 1608b planner ( the big 6 1/4 wide one) and it did a beautiful job in just a few minutes of making the surface of those white oak timber feel as smooth as a baby's bottom in a couple of passes. By a happy coincidence one of the faces wound up being quarter sawn and that one is just perfect, no checks no marks and wonderfull grain. The bottom of another has a bit of a burl thing going and makes that piece look interesting. So two of the three beams have an interesting face exposed. Hope my luck still holds, if it does I'll pour sealant in my hair every day! I also used the Mikita 5402 (the one with the 16 5/16ths blade) and was rewarded by nice smooth cuts and it cut pretty fast considering those beams have dried for over 2 years. By using a piece of aluminum angle as a guide I was able to make nice square cuts so when everything went together it was square and neat. I made a choker out of some nylon strap that dates back to Vietnam and using a Ingersole Rand 1056 forklift set them in place without a single sweat. I wouldn't of needed one that big except I've got well over 30,000 bd. ft. stacked up in my driveway and I had to be back about 30 ft to maneuver everything into place. Once I've used up 10,00 bd.ft.I'll be better able to use a 642 The only thing that will call for something as big as that 1056 is when I put the great room trusses in place. Those are 18 ft. tall 22ft. wide and will weigh in the area of 2500 pounds a piece. Anyway, it was a very good day evan if Ferrarri did lose at Monza to a Williams, in fact Schumacher wound up 4th while Bericello was second due to a botched pit stop.
*Frenchyplease excuse me for just a moment while I get this outa my system...............HAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA ROFLMAO HAAHAAHAA!!cut your hair dude, gotta be easier. It might just be me but i naptha?isnt that carcinogenic?HAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA ( sorry man, I wasnt quite finished :) )
*Frenchie, with over 2 dozen posts to your request, it's clear that we've been haveing too much fun at your expense. AJ from the under side of the globe summs it up. None the less, we sympathize. Orange oil is my solvent of choice. It has an amazing solvent action on a variety of applications and is one of the most benign solvents. It's kinda pricey though. $10 to $12 per liter last time I checked. BJ
*Frenchy,Just have to add my....hahahahahahahhahaaaaahhhThere...i feel part of all...near the Makita blue stream with frenchy,aj
*ill add my 2 cents ahahahahahahahahahah,,,hahahahahi feel better now
*Salad bowl, ROFL!!
*Next time, Frenchy, use kerosene. Besides dissolving the tar, it also kills head lice.
*Frenchy, too late again. I was going to suggest softening it with a torch. I would recommend you stay away from the use of any foam sealant overhead. You'ld definitely have to cut that stuff out.steve
*Here's a totally different approach: What you want to do is get a lubricant between the goop and your hair. So an oil that comes naturally from the inside thru the hair would be ideal. You have to get it there by swallowing something that will make your head greasy. The answer is pizza, lots of it, and the greasier the better. Enjoy. :-)-- J.S.
*This is getting better by the minute!HAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA Frenchy, do you do this sort of thing on purpose? I havent stopped laughing for days. :)
* I would have told people that it was a birth mark and let it wear off............ HAHAHAHAHA -- HA
*Actually that WD 40 is good for arthritis too. Just rub it on the joints.By the way...HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAAA I've been inspired/It couldn't have happened to a nicer Democrat.HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
*Blue, I'm not a Democrat, I'm a liberal. :-)
*Frenchy, try guzzling some of that Wd40. Maybe that'll loosen up some of those brain cells and you can come on over to the Libertarian side.blue
*I thought you became a liberterian when you guzzled beer??!!! :-)
*Liberal, Taliman! Same thing isn't it? Guzzle beer! I personally can't live that way. I prefer milk. (with Oreo's)
*As for me, give me liberty or give me.... A really good glass of wine. I prefer a good German Ice wine but the upstate New Yosk ones are good too. A bit more shallow and less developed but they are far more complex now than years past..... Must be the liberal in me.......
*You have a liberal in you ???!?Frenchy, is there something you are trying to tell us ?
*Luka, As I've said before, you have a warped mind!! :-)
*Frenchy, Ferget the Liberalitarin stuff and post some pics. of the posts.
*Don, I'm sorry, I have camera phobia, I swear that I buy a camera only to have it be A. destroyed B. stolen C. obsolete D. Anything else wierd and unbeleivable If you ever see any posts with pictures from me you'll know that hell has indeed frozen over and the end of the world is nigh, repent !!!!!!!!
*Next time try one of these easy sure fire methods... -use the blobs own natural stickiness to defeat itself...sprinkle bird seed over it and go for a walk in the park...if that doesn't work, try acorns in the fall - stick a few dollar bills to it and walk through the nearest subway station...it'll happen so fast you won't even feel it being removed -stick antlers to it and go for a walk in the woods - learn to live with your new addition and make it work to your advantage. I myself have big ears and can never get a pencil to stay behind them...you would have the upperhand there. In cold weather, 16ds always stick to my lips when I forget what I'm doing...you could probably hang on to a whole pouchful. Hope I have been of some help
Don't laugh guys, I'm Serious. I was sealproofing the basement of my house (at least my daughter was) and I made sure that she was well covered in old clothes and a HAT!
Any way she finished the job and Went off to her paying job (heh, heh I love exploiting children) anyway she'd stopped short of where the job needed to be finished to. So dad grabbed the roller and covered the last bit up and stood back to check the work. That's when a great big blob of sealant landed in my hair and on my neck.
No problem I thought. I'll just dip a rag in acetone and wipe it off.
Not only no, but heck no!
I've tried fingernail polish remover (wife's suggestion) I tried pouring acetone over the hair to remove it. Short of soaking for a month in acetone does anyone really know how to get this stuff off? I don't want to go to work for the next however long with a great big gob of black basement sealant stuck to my head.