I’ve got a much simpler set-up: The gunk goes into a 1000 gallon concrete tank that is totally anaerobic; the tank is 3′ below grade and is wrapped on all sides, top & bottom with 2″ extruded poly-styrene insulation and then wrapped with two layers of 6 mil poly plastic sheating; the water exits to a split valved drainfield that is alternated back from one half to the other every six months. I had a freebie septic pumping done by a friend after eight years of use by four people and only had 4″ of sludge in the bottom of the tank. The effluent is clear, but you couldn’t pay me to drink it!
My local soil is referred to as “gumbo”; it’s heavy thick clay that doesn’t drain at all. I used liberal amounts of rock & gravel in the drain field and shrouded each line trench with geo-textile fabric before backfilling and grading.
It seems to be working well.
The only real difference between the two types of septic waste systems is the amount of time to break down the organic solids. However, output from any type of septic system DOES NOT NOR EVER WILL MEET DRINKING WATER STANDARDS. Do not drink or put in bodily contact output from a septic system.
septic system output only breaks down the solids (ie: changes BOD). It does not reduce the salt content, metal content, solvents, or viruses. Becareful in putting grey/black water directly on some plants. The salts will eventually kill them.
The current septic systems were invented in the late 1880's in europe, and appeared in the US in the late 1890's. A well constructed septic system has a life span of 40 to 50 years. You then have to completely rebuilt it (including leach field - there is a PhD thesis on this if anyone is interested.).
*David;We have a problem with the municiple water system. It was started as a method to get people to build in the area by providing them a source of potable water. Soon the smart (& efficient) ones learned that it can be a money maker. Who will spend $10k on a well when the city will hook-up for little to nothing?Most (health?) laws prohibit any surface usage of grey water. Sub-t irrigation only.Ever travel to the Cayman Islands? They have dual water supply in many houses. Most well water is brackish, but ok for non-potable usage. The Gov has desalination plants to supply fresh water to everyone, too. The monthly water bill in housing without wells is over $200.00 CI on the company water. The older houses also have cisterns.Doesn't that sound like US & Canadian housing prior to municiple water?Cheers; JE
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source of info. for septic/onsite waste disposal