While doing my paperwork it just reminds me why I hardly shop there.
One item bought an “sp g&w <A>”???? The receipt it a foot long with english and spanish on how to enter a contest… special financing options… return policy and the store managers name.
WTF did I buy for $15.97?
I don't know about HD.
But on Lowes they also print the SKU number. You can go their website and in the search enter that number and it will show you the produce.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
I cut off the useless part of the receipts, save'em in a envelope, and as soon as I find out who their director of marketing is, I'm gonna mail him a years worth of waste all at once.
Who's with me?!
P.S. What's the emoticon for tongue in cheek?
I'm with ya. I just tear the bottom of the receipt off at the store and litter the floor with it. Figure if everyone did it, they'd get the freakin' hint...
But on Lowes they also print the SKU number. You can go their website and in the search enter that number and it will show you the produce.
Bill, You can get produce at your Lowes! I have to make a special trip to the super market for that stuff!
"Bill, You can get produce at your Lowes! I have to make a special trip to the super market for that stuff!"Sure. All of the Lowes, HD, and ACE stores that I have seen have had produce.However, because of shipping problems then only stock it in an immature form.You get to take the pepper plants, seed potato's, home and plant them so that they mature..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
I call and make them look it up.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
That used to drive me nuts at HD. Some really bizarre abbreviation of a product that you can never decipher.
"Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
Another "feature" of HD receipts is that if you carry them around in your wallet for a month or 2 the disappearing ink does it's magic. Just great when you need to get refunded from your employer.
Yea... sunlight does a number on them too.... and spray lysol will turn them a uniform unreadable grey, I have experience in such matters.
I was returning an item at HD and the person who was helping me shared some info with me. If you don't have your receipt they offer you an in store credit. I was doing that once in a while because I was going in to shop anyway. The person told me that when they give you an in store credit it is given at the lowest price that item was at in the past year. I'm not sure about the year part. But the price is different than what you paid sometimes.
I didn't verify what she said so this might be bogus.
saw a sign at the refund counter that said just that..
but it was for 6 months and not a year...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
Yes, it's true, but if you return too many items without a receipt (there's some magic number that no one seems to know), your name winds up on a list that requires manager approval for returns. Other than waiting around for a manager to show up (which can take a loooong time), it's usually not a problem.
I run into the same problem sometimes - I take the receipt back to the customer service desk - they scan and can tell me what it was.
I try to look at the receipt and note what those cryptic items are before I leave - sometimes have to go see customer service.
Simply put the item number from the receipt in a Google search window and the search engine will pull up the UPC description of the item. Works MOST of the time.
I once bought a Sawzall on a Friday morning from HD. All day long it smelt bad like it was burning up. The electrician the next floor up was even complaining about the smell. I went to return it the next Monday morning with receipt in hand. The manager called this 18 year old kid from the tool dept to come and tell me that it was the “breaking in smell” and they will not take it back. After a back and forth I left with the saw and went to work. Before the end of the week it caught fire.
what brand was it..
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
there'a a snow and ice thread down in the tav asking after ya...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
Edited 12/2/2007 11:03 pm by IMERC
there'a a snow and ice thread down in the tav asking after ya...
I dont have the secret code to the tav so ...........
We did get some ice, few inches, just enough to make it fun to drive in. I took my son out in it Sat looking for a Xmas tree, got home and had to leave the tree on the porch with the propane heater running for an hour or so to melt the ice off of it.
I saw up on the interstate that the semi's were traveling at about 10 - 20 mph so I guess it was shiddy out.
I see Glens pic of the snow up at the weekend house, I assume you've gotten a bit of snow already?
winter we got...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
you mentioned what I assume are their company credit cardsbeen noticing at HD they advertise 5 % back on purchases - does this work as advertised?think I've seen same offer at Lowes but not sure - does yours include 5% back
thanks John
I can look at a grocery store receipt from 2 years ago and tell you exactly every item I bought.... from chips ahoy cookies, broccoli crowns and lipton onion soup mix.
Is the beyond Depot's technology or do they have blithering idiots coding their merchandise?
I'd vote for the idiots, mostly in managment
I don't use the 'My company' cards, I believe they are the ones that offer 5% back. I'm fortunate to live in an area with a real wholesaler, BMC West, and they get the bulk of my business. They consistently beat both HD and Lowes by 25% to 50%, and I get to talk to people who have a clue. Their credit policy is simple: pay the previous month by the 10th, or we cut you off; if it's not paid by the 30th, we're seizing your bond.
For the chains, I use the consumer cards, because they both offer 0% Interest for 12 months on purchases over $300. ( Please, everyone, before you post to tell me that thats a 'promotional' offer only, make sure you have a minimum 15k HD or 20k Lowes card. Every single purchase I make is subject to those terms. The 'promotion' is they want large card users.)
So, right now, I owe HD about 9k, due starting next August, then September and so on. That 9k is in a money market account earning about 5%. For me. They are charging me 0% interest and 0% principal. For a year.
The math is simple. Just make sure it's $300 or more every time, and then, put it aside.
It was a Milwaukee of course. I went to a repair shop and got it rebuilt under warranty. And I now shop HD as little as possible and never for tools.
You can always go there and have them look it up. The receipt is on file for several months, and they can call up the long description on the computer for you. If you used a credit card you don't even need the receipt.
I've had them do that. Look it up for me. I still like to have a reciept in hand.
That is why Lowes ask for the phone number when you pay cash so that they can look up the receipt.But the few times that I have take stuff back without the receipt they haven ask me for the number or CC to look it up..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Small Hijack--- Lowes just sent me a letter stating that the invoice #'s were whacko for purchases between 11/8 and 11/16 on Commercial AR accounts.
Letter had a 10% off coupon for next AR purchase. I don't know if the problem was regional or nation wide.
Anybody else get this letter??
If U used a CC, you have a paper copy of the receipt that is full of undecipherable codes and prices in stead of a thermal printout register receipt that is full of undecipherable codes and prices
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Yeah, but with a credit card they can look it up without a receipt.Has anyone complained to HD? (Not just griped to the sales droid?) I suspect if they knew they were losing business over this they'd work to fix it.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
I suspect if they knew they were losing business over this they'd work to fix it
Sure! Have you stopped taking your medication again?"Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
Pretty sure I took it this morning.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
Oh Really, What day is it then?
Afternoon, going by the empty compartment.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
That sounds like that country wester song "It's five O Clock Somewhere"
Got to love that comment Dan. Once I was so Pi**ed off at HD after they refused to take back a cordless drill (battery pack would hold a charge for @ 10 minutes - and the drill was less than 2 days old) I called the corporate HQ. Originally I was denied a replacement drill because they told me the re-charge cycle for the battery was 24 hours. This was a quick charge batter pack! Anyway, I told the HQ guy how much $$ he was loosing and how many customers he was driving away with policies such as this and he said, "Thanks for the information, have a great day".
I only go there if I absolutly have to and i cant find it anywhere else
Pet peeve of mine. One I brought home when it was just a puppy and now has grown into a really big, angry, viscious dog that I unleash from time to time. I took the survey and they sought a restraining order against me.
All, or most, kidding aside, the receipts are a nightmare to handle, keep track of and decipher. I mark 'em up in the truck so I have an idea of what I bought, and for what job.
A tip to the return problem comments: I have learned that for HD, a 15k charge card, and for Lowes a 20k charge card makes all of that nonsense go away, no receipt required.
I bill out most of my stuff cost plus.
So I itemize on the bills to my customers. they love it.
So maybe once every three months, I will see something on the invoices from my regular lumberyards that needs explanation what it is.
Exactly opposed is the tickets from HD. Maybe once every three months I see an item that I ccan actually understand what it is.
I rarely shop there, but I have learned that when i do, I need to make notes on the receipt before I leave the store
Welcome to the
Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
I was at Comp USA this weekend and they have something like "Neat Receipt"
which scans cash register receipts into your computer and a better way to keep track of your expenses.
G&W Tools makes a line of stuff like bearing pullers that starts with sp
does that ring any bells?
The assistant manager of a Home Depot told me to Xerox my reciepts...all of them... or they will fadeout. He said the reciept tape show printing because it's thermal. It won't last for those lifetime warranty repairs of their Ridgid store brand tools.
If you charged your purchase on the HD creditcard, and think you can use it to verify a warranty, the store can only go back 90 days.
Once I bought a car battery at WalMart. The battery came with a small plastic bag mounted to the side where the shop foreman placed the warranty. I thought that was a great idea.
So, Xerox you receipts, put it inside a small zip-lock bag, and tape them to the inside of your tool's box or plastic case. IT was great when my HD 6" ROS crashed and they gave me a brand new one...
Fading receipts is a problem with about half the cash registers on the market. In fact, my impression is that most fade pretty badly, but some much worse than the rest. I don't see that HD is a unique offender in this department.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
One may wonder if it has been done on purpose. Just one more way the bean counters are scratching pennys worth, more profit out of a sale. If people don't have the reciept, they can't claim the warranty. If the reciept fades within a few months...I'm guessing that better receipts may actually be cheaper. But they figured out they will save x amount of pennys per sale, with the fading reciepts...
Everybody is born a hero.
Like I said, a lot of receipts fade like that. Just make yourself up a collection of receipts from a dozen different places and lay them out on your dresser for about 3 months. About half will be badly faded.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
I don't think so Jeff. The thermal receipts show images when struck by a pin or heated. The other kinds of receipts would be either with a ribbon, ink roller, or some kind of cartridge, and that would cost money to both keep stock on hand and change when empty. And can you imagine how long they would try to stretch a ribbon? I remember back when typewriters used colth ribbons, and how faded the type would get toward the end of it's life."Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
I've always stapled or taped my receipts to the inside of the tool manual.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
IIRC the SKU on the HD receipt IS the SKU you'll find on the item package. NOT the case at Lowe's.
Around here the # on the HD receipt is NOT a SKU, which is a 6-place HD number, but rather a UPC which can be looked up on-line.
For instance, I have a receipt with:
0044315683909 which Googled produces:
2x4 joint hanger
SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC. (0044315) more items
or you can just go here: http://www.upcdatabase.com/
I have had a mystery receipt from HD for a while - kept meaning to take it in and have them figure out what it was.
15/8CRDWSC5# for $18.88 ----- I had no idea what this was for.
Googled 764666103221 - why it was a 5 lb box of 1-5/8" piffen screws. Once you know that - you can sorta-kinda figure it out from the description.
I am usually pretty good at noting what the cryptic items are before I leave but I missed that one.
JimNever underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
My funniest experience was explaining to DW (looking at receipt) that a 'blow-gun kit' didn't mean I was out to *get* her ;o)
Sometimes you only get the manufacturer, not the item, but even that helps a bit
Edited 12/4/2007 12:44 pm ET by Jeff_Clarke
I won't even ask what is included in a blow gun kit...............
Oh, you mean one of those do-dads that goes on the end of an air hose to get rid of dust, shavings, etc.
I have got one of those to blow sawdust and shingle gravel off of roof decks. Works good.
JimNever underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
Yup, that's it. Not a poison dart thing ;o) ...
Ok, so here's a question on the receipt/refund thing. I just finished a rough plumbing project that I started last summer, so after gathering up all the 3" & 4" fittings, which just show up as 'Fitting' plus some other mystery characters, I cleaned them up and drove down to the HD store where I bought them. The returns guy was kinda shocked that I was bringing back this stuff after nearly a year, but I explained that I live over 100 miles away from any store to speak of, and it's taken this long to get all the underground stuff finished. I'd just passed my septic system inspection the day before, after all. Anyway, basically he said "these receipts are worthless, you may as well throw them away". He said all we could do was get a store credit, which was fine by me since I was picking up more stuff that would exceed the refund anyway. Now I'm left wondering what price was refunded, exactly?
And I would know because ?????
I'm thinking the question was rhetorical.;o)
Everybody is born a hero.
I was going through my receipts from Lowes and found an item for Crystal White.I know that Lowes is not my source for drugs, but that it what is looked like on the receipt.Turns out that it was for mold made from foam with a white cover on it..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
15/8CRDWSC5# for $18.88
1 5/8" ? ? DryWall [DishWasher = DesignatedWife] [DeWalt] SCrews 5 pounds.
This is the same in supermarkets.
You can blame this all on Bill Gates and his inane DOS with its limitation to eight space memory.
On their wedding night, when Melinda first saw Bill in his "full" glory, she said, "Now I know why you named your company Microsoft."
I don't know what you bought, but I bet you didn't get any credible service there.
Have a good day
I thought I was the only one. I hate those Depot receipts. If I dont do paperwork that night, I have no idea what i've bought.
Should make a tax audit interesting, encoded receipts and disappearing ink.
Get a commercial account with them and the items are legibly listed on the monthly statement. Your account is available for viewing online.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Bogus "lowest price in the past"
if you lost your receipt and paid cash HD takes advantage with what they call "the lowest price in the past"
I just bought a "stainless steel BBQ" - the sticker showed that the old price was $ 299,- and the new price was $ 174,- (item # 039953526176) they only received 6 of these and I bought one of the two that were left after a couple of days. when I tried to return it without a receipt they told me that their system was showing $ 149,- as the "lowest price"
I am wondering where and when they offered this item for $ 149,- naturally they are not able to provide that answer. I believe that they just don't want to tell customers "we give you $ 25,- less for not having a receipt." the customer can't proof that they never offered the item for that price and obviously these kind of lies are not against the law.
I have had this experience also in the past - always when I try to return something for store credit, they claim that the item was offered almost for free in the past....