I beat BilljustBill to the punch the other day at Lowe’s
when compulsion grabbed me once more and bought a couple piles of culled lumber when the manager let me beat him down enough on price. Whatta guy!
One pile had 2x4s I bought with the thought they were 8footers till I unbanded at the house and discovered they were 10s. Always was detail oriented.
Guys, don’t do that at home and save yerself the grief.
be but of course there are plenty worse vices in the world so on 2nd thought just let a man get his yayas out.
Are they all forked?
nah, One pile was full of 1x3s &1x4s next to the 2x4s. That 1x3 caught my eye enough to threaten BilljustBill's worse board from Lowe's contest from a pic he posted once
of a really warped 2x something a while back. Looked like it could have been used as a framing member on a boat.
Other pile had some PT 2xs and 16ft long decking boards which always looks good going down the road in an 8ft pickup.
Edited 5/24/2008 1:56 pm ET by rez
Found it...
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You're a hoot!!! My shed project has come to a stalled point due to the golf ball hail that lasted half an hour... Did get a roof on the project the 2nd week of January, but it only lasted 3 months before the hail stones actually knocked-off the new gravel coating and left a swelled and pooched-out black spot on the 30yr Owens-Corning shingles...
Insurance adjusters, it took one and his supervisor, to come tell me that the shed, the house, and two R-panel roofs are to be replaced. Now to find a roofing company/crew to get the repairs started.... I have learned....Get the materials used in writing and by amount and brand. Watch 'em like a hawk to be sure it's put on. Plus, Don't pay the company until I'm Happy with the completed job!!!
Last week, I found another $20 cull cart. It contained six sheets of 7/16" OSB with radiant foil barrier, two 2x10"-16' long, four pressure treated 1x4's- 8', and two halves of sheet of metric multi-ply 3/4" thick Birch plywood. Those cull carts are getting further apart with the housing slow down. This one and the cart with 27 sheets of 1/2" sheetrock for $1 a sheet appeared when the materials were returned to a store that didn't stock the radiant barrier and when the sheetrock looked a bit weathered.... My "Cull Cart Cabin" has eight 2x8's-16', half of the 5/8" radiant decking, and half the 7/16" radiant sheathing paid for at retail price. The rest was discounted 20%-60% off or came from cull carts at 75%-90% off... Grab what you can, when you see it, gas is going higher and taking everything with it !!
Bill ;>)
Edited 5/24/2008 3:17 pm ET by BilljustBill
Edited 5/24/2008 3:29 pm ET by BilljustBill
I gotta put up another dome this year. Panels are just sitting there waiting for me.
Railroad crossing 1/4 mile down the road has 5 ties sitting there for 6months tempting me for a sill plate on the ground as a foundation.
Oh what thehell I'll post some pics. No one will ever see me again anyhow.
Looks like Home Depot furniture quality lumber
If that's what you're building with, you don't want these translucent panels.
They don't bend.
PAHS works. Bury it.
Rocking chair stock!!
"After the laws of Physics, everything else is opinion"
-Neil deGrasse Tyson
If Pasta and Antipasta meet is it the end of the Universe???