Insolating home sprinkler pipes in attic
I’m not too familiar with sprinkler systems or how they should be insolated. They appear to be 1 1/4″ orange PVC. They are on top of the drywall ceiling and have blown fiberglass insulation on them. These homes are one story condos for the elderly and about 5 yrs old. A few of her neighbors had pipes break from the cold weather and wants an estimate from me to fix a possible future problem. The home builders are no longer in business.
If I wrap them with rubber or foam covers, it may block the heat coming up from the heated rooms below. Any building code on this or any suggestions.
First off, fill in your info so we know where you are located and so on.
Spray foam insulate the roof line and turn the attic into conditioned space. This will be more efficient in terms of saving energy and will solve the freezing pipe problem. is the place to start.