Have radiant heat in first floor of house. tubing is held in place by tin shields. Want to apply rigid insulation board to basement joists to create dead space below the tubing. understand that a DOW product, Thermax (a polyisocyanurate) is an appropriate product. One of my concerns is that the foams are flammable and of course furnance is in basement (oil fired). Is this a good product for my purpose or are there others that should be considered? What about the bubble wraped in aluminum foil? Would also like to create some sound insulation as the furnace (3400 rpm) is noisy.
Search Breaktime carefully regarding the poly iso.......rigid foam sheeting......I recall doing some research and I believe that it was reported that when used as a cathedral ceiling insulator, the poor fellow had severe ant problems that seemed to love eating/nesting in the stuff.
All the best-