I live in North Central Florida and have a question about insulation. The house in question is built from 8 ” concrete block and will have 3/4″ (tuff-R) insulation board on the interior walls followed by 3/4″ firing with 1/2″ blue board with hard coat plaster. The exterior is going to be Hardy Plank on 2×4’s on 24 inch centers. The questions that I have are this, can you put insulation board between the 2×4’s, and if so how much can you put in. Does there have to be an air space between the 2×4’s, and if so how much,what about bugs and crawling things.
The next question is, how much for an R factor is there for an 8″ concrete block wall with 3/4 insulation board on the interior?
Thanks for any advice, Don
I live in North Central Florida and have a question about insulation. The house in question is built from 8 " concrete block and will have 3/4" (tuff-R) insulation board on the interior walls followed by 3/4" firing with 1/2" blue board with hard coat plaster. The exterior is going to be Hardy Plank on 2x4's on 24 inch centers. The questions that I have are this, can you put insulation board between the 2x4's, and if so how much can you put in. Does there have to be an air space between the 2x4's, and if so how much,what about bugs and crawling things.
The next question is, how much for an R factor is there for an 8" concrete block wall with 3/4 insulation board on the interior?
Thanks for any advice, Don