Congress will be voting within two weeks on whether to charge long distance fees for internet access each time you call even if you dial-up locally.
contact your congressman/woman and tell them to vote NO.
Or, e-mail at www.house.gov/writerep/
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The phone companies have realized they are losing big sums of money 'cause the 'net allows one to talk to the world for the cost of a local call.
It's about the economy, stupid. Who's economy? Theirs, not ours. The rubber duck we have for Pres. will cave to the phone companies. In fact, he'll be out stumping for them. Our last chance is the Congress.
*It won't fly, not yet. Big business is on our side, awful to think. And technology is positioning itself as our country's future -- who's going to listen to the dinosaur Ma Bell when Microsoft calls? Look how closely people follow NASDAQ now, never heard of it earlier. The tax is the phone companies' pipe dream. The political price would be extraordinary -- here's something that people care about! (oh yeah, Social Security too.)What may get me to contact my congressperson is the coming deregulation of cable, which is expected to cause rates to ... RISE? As if the vipers didn't charge enough already. I'd cut it off out of spite today if my wife and toddler wouldn't kill me for it. (I'm only really afraid of the toddler. Well...)So what's a cheap satellite hookup? Just need Nick and Lifetime. Rabbit ears for the rest.
*AndrewCan't be sure if'n yer serious 'bout detaching the cable, but I live in an outback rural area, have a tower antennae with a rotor(came with the house)and get more t.v. than my family needs to watch. . . last count 11 stations, including PBS, CBS, NBC from upstate N.Y. 100 miles away. Now obviously don't get any cable exclusive stuff but don't miss it anyway!!!-Patrick
*Andrew:None of my friends have bought into DSB yet, but it is only a matter of time. I forgot, one friend in Farmville just purchased one but I haven't seen him since. I will be looking into it when I move to Stafford county, because the Prestige Cable there only has 60 channels presently, and they are working under an expired charter with the county. Here in Fairfax we have 120 channels. Of course most of the time there still isn't anything on I want to watch.DSB equipment is being sold everwhere, well maybe not at the supermarket. The only drawback to non-rabbit ear locations is that the DSB system can no longer supply network feeds to their customers, some big law suit by CBS and FOX. So one must put up the outside antenna and a dish.Look around your neighborhood, the dishes are springing up everywhere. No longer can landlords and homeowner associations prohibit their installations in most cases, FCC ruling. Even our townhouse association issued new rules allowing them. See if your neighbors would recomend DSB over cable. Some of the special offers seem to be installed for about $200.00 or less, but you still have monthly programming charges.Frank
*Can't get network, can't get cable. Bought the RCA at $800, dooooh!Actually ABC is the only one to have sued and pulled out of their service, so far.Picture quality is great, but that's about it. I'd blow the thing up, but I've still got a teenager in the house.
*Figuers - I've heard about this, and heard it's a bunch of baloney. I think if it was actually true, the press would be all over it. They love this "The government is ripping us all off" stuff. Be wary of these rumors that fly around the internet............
Congress will be voting within two weeks on whether to charge long distance fees for internet access each time you call even if you dial-up locally.
contact your congressman/woman and tell them to vote NO.
Or, e-mail at http://www.house.gov/writerep/
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