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Framing the floor inside a crawlspace foundation keeps a gable-end addition close to grade.
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Video: Build a Fireplace, Brick by BrickHighlights
"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Aside from going to the obvious big box stores or checking the yellow pages.........
Try Hosking Hardwood Flooring.
I have ordered Mirage prefinished strip flooring from them and have received excellent service.
*I second this recomendation. Great service. Great prices.
*Sorry, I meant my recomendation to go under the Hosking Hardwood site suggestion.
* i cut out all the middle guys. first i buy a load of green rough sawn from a local forester, trailer it to a local kiln, pick it up about 2 weeks later, then take it to a friend with a mill. we discuss the best widths to achieve maximum yield. Then i store it inside until my stock starts to diminish... but ya gotta build a lotta floors... i clear it at the job so wane or knots or blemishes end up where they are hidden or under cabinets or built-ins. It sounds like a pain in the #$% but the savings are worth it. i do this about 3 times a year. it keeps me in the loop with all the right people and i have come across some killer deals because of it. i end up with premium product at tavern grade costs.
*Husky flooring, lots of exotics, bamboo, bvrazilian cherry, many widths and thicknesses. I know they're in Wilmingtin DE. I don't have their number handy. Very reasonbly priced.
*Pennington hardwoods: http://www.penningtonhardwoods.com/