I am looking for a source of discount name brand plumbing supplies. There is lots of local competition in the stock stuff, PVC pipe and fittings, copper tubing, etc. I don’t think I can get a better price, shipping and tax considered, on those sorts of items through mail or internet order. However, in the case of small, high cost items like shower control valves and kitchen faucets there should be some deals out there. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Incidentally, we got a great deal on a whirlpool bath from Watertech [http://www.watertechtn.com].
* and have been satisfied. Also consider CyberBath . Both offer about 30% off, though shipping is included in CyberBath's prices. No reason to be paying full retail at a bath boutique.
I've used the Faucet Outlet
*http://www.faucet.com/http://www.a-ball.com/http://www.plumbingsupply.com/have all met one need or another nicely.