Does anyone have experience with Makita’s Makstar charging system for their cordless products? In particular I am looking at their new BTD120SA Impact Driver.
Does anyone have experience with Makita’s Makstar charging system for their cordless products? In particular I am looking at their new BTD120SA Impact Driver.
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You sparked my interest, But after looking at the it appears the new batts are "info" type and much like the sony camcorder infolithium system are charged dependent on the remaining charge. No pricing to be seen but with the kit you are looking at ONE batt in the box. With the other 12v impact kit you get two.
6914dwbe is the number and I happen to have just got one and it lasts all day on one batt, is very light to hold and only a small amount of pressure needed to stay in the screw head.
You can buy the BTD120SA (,10,1040 ) for about $70 more than the 6914. My thinking was that the better battery life of the BTD120SA would offset the cost long term. But as you point out the 6914 comes with 2 batteries to begin with.
Edited 10/15/2002 8:56:16 PM ET by Bitman
Edited 10/15/2002 8:59:09 PM ET by Bitman
I just purchased the same driver as you and am curious as to new battery life. I vaguely remember someone posting that the batteries need to be charged and drained several times before holding a full charge. What is your experience with the tool? Thanks much!J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
I had a hard time getting the batteries to hold a full charge the first four or five times but they are doing just fine now I also got two batteries with mine. these are the NIMH batteries with the 6914 DWBE kit.I paid 239 . I got a catalog from MAX tool thats advertising it for 219. Has anybody bought from this catalog as they have some really good prices but I never heard of them before.
I did notice the battery effect when I first got the tool as the first charge seemed to "empty" quickly. I am use to 24v Bosch. I am up to 4-5 charge cycles per pack now and the life is getting much better. I like the high speed for drilling small holes and also the way the bit stays in the screw head. The lightness is very welcome too. Sorry Andy the makita is $199 at HD and I got 10% off with a coupon I had.
The HD driver has ni-cd batteries. Different model.
Hmm, question...
with the Makitas, can you swap batteries between ni-cd and ni-nh batteries on the same tool? Can you swap 12v with 14v on the same tool? The charger accepts all, is it too good to be true that their cordless tools have this flexibility?
If they can do this I am the new blue stream. I am sick of failed bosch promises, pc is ok but cheap fine tools. Dewalt sux. I looked at Milwaukee and their cordless are built like a tank, but they are tanks.
Actually, I won't be new to the stream, all the old tools I have that have made the distance are blue. They may not be the do all greatest, but they last, and provide day in day out service. If they can provide this flexibility with their cordless, and keep their new designs compatible with their old cordless tools, then you will be hard pressed to convince me to buy something else.
I`m really not too impressed with this tool to this point. The batteries still dont seem to hold a charge. Its an impact driver for crying out loud...if I cant use it for the better part of the day without the battery dieing....what good is it?!J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements