I am a small general contractor looking for management and scheduling software. I am looking into these sofware programs “Golden Seal” “Bid4Build” “UDA Construction Office” and “Virtual Boss”. I use quickbook contractor version accounting sofware, do you have any opinions regarding these programs, or do you recoment any others.
Wow, you software head. (I use the term affectionately).
I've been getting a lot of advertising from buildtopia products lately. Let me know what you find out.
The CM
I too use quickbooks, but the pro version. I been a computer user since the 70's and QBPro is the easiest ever to do the books, Calculate sales taxes, and with add on components, do the income tax too..... My wife (CEO of a small corporation uses it as well. She ain't been lookin fer anything easier. She is also on the board of directors of a few non-profit organizations, and given those fudiciary responsibility, she can and has done stuff with QB pro that has even their bookeepers and Certified accountants scrambling for explanations.
QP pro has my vote without a doubt. My life has become so much easier with it. It is so intuitive that anybody can get into using it with maybe only an hour or two of playing around. While they have a support network, neither of us have ever had need to utilize it, it's that simple.
As for any of the other stuff, I cannot comment. I keep trying to find something that suits any of my needs, whether it's in CAD or scheduling, but whenever I think I found something that suits my needs, it needs more time to maintain than it does to actually do the work.....which in my case means either I can plan the job, and it don't get done on time, or I can do the job and invoice it in the same amount of time. I guess it depends on how you want to spend yer time.
Eric in Calgary