About ten years ago, our company did an addition where we installed Masonite horizontal lap siding as the exterior finish material. The product was site painted to match the existing home which had 3/4″ x 12″ painted lap siding. The Masonite was the best match we could come up with, without having siding custom milled. The Masonite is now falling apart and the owner is going to join the current class-action suit against Masonite. My question is about what to use for replacement. The existing redwood siding is a full 3/4″ thick and the Masonite is 7/16″ Hardieplank is desired, but it is only 5/16″ thick. This is going to stick out like a sore thumb. Anybody have suggestions or alternatives ?
carpenter in transition
you can still get 12" by 3/4" cedar siding. We just installed a few hundred feet a month ago. Any good lumber yard can order it for you. It's just a bit expensive.....