i need to build some wainscoating out of mdf to match some existing. can the rail and stiles be built out of the mdf as well? the raised panels will be approximately 50″ high and from the best i can tell the current wainscoating is mdf. (panels for sure)
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MDF should work fine for this. It's stable, easy to machine, and paints well. The only downside I can think of is the possibility of wear and tear on the chair rail. MDF isn't hardwood - lol.
Oh yeah, MDF will be significantly heavier than wood.
Yes, and a couple of thoughts. Nice sharp bits on the shaper and a vac system. Its very dusty. Cut edges might rout or shape well, but they don't sand so well, so hold-downs while creating the profiles, while always a good idea, can really save you some headache. Cut edges will soak paint faster than the rest. Preprime cuts with oil primer either during assembly or after, which ever works best for you, let it dry, then prime the whole thing. Larger nails run the risk of puckering or mushrooming where they're driven. If you can get away with it, DW adhesive and long brads are the way to go. If you want to hit anything solid you pretty much have to have at least 2" brads to catch much framing.
Rail and stile cuts don't have a lot of margin for error. If you have a laser, layout, full size, on the wall, dead level. Obviously you could do it with a level but the accuracy there can falter across a room and your joints will skew.
More than you asked for, but hopefully something above you didn't already know.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." - Mark Twain
Why not!! MDF can route or shape almost anything. I know that you are try to match an existing wainscoting, I recommand use a WindsorONE
Technically superior, our specialty lumber enjoys the stability, consistency, and precision of being an end and edge glued product whose production we control from start to finish. Our selection of patterns has a number of applications that include: porch ceiling, soffit, wainscoting, and interior ceiling.