metal roof installation in cold weather

I was hoping to install metal panel roofing (ABC Imperial Rib) in the next week or two on a small barn in Vermont and am wondering if installing it in cold weather (30 deg F) could cause any problems next summer as far as expansion in warm weather? <!—-> <!—-><!—->
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Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
I have installed similar at thirty below zero.
Makes no diff if you install hot, cold, or in between, you need some allowance for thermal movement.
I predrill all my sheets piled atop each other. That way the screws all line up nicely on the roof. The only time this does not work is if you have an old out of square uneven barn.
Anyways, I predrill with an oversixed bit That gains two things. One is that less zinc is scraped off the screw so it has protection against rust. The other is that it is not overstressed by the sheet movement.
I also use the larger diameter shank roofing screw - the one that has a 5/16" head, not the 1/4"
You get nearly twice the shear strength with it, and more wood displacement to hold tighter, so they do not back out or lift out
I have seen the smaller shanked screws snapped off. I do not know for sure if this was because of thermal movement and stress or if they had been torqued in too tight upon installation. It was not my job, but next door to where I was working. one entire sheet of roofing came off with the snow when it slid.
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Thanks Piffin and Jack. I probably wood have gone a head and put the roof on and then lost sleep next June and July wondering if it would buckle. I'll try to find the larger shanked screws if I can.
If you don't find them this time around, you can find them within four or five years by the time you need to replace the others.;)
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You'll find temp is almost no problem but wind is. You'll want to make sure it's an absolutely still day, it takes very little wind to turn a sheet into a said. And never be where the sheet can side down on you, they make a guillotine look like a tinker toy.