I have a brand new bostich framing nailer and it is constantly double nailing and getting jammed. What is the problem? Is my portable compressor too small?
M Stehelin
I have a brand new bostich framing nailer and it is constantly double nailing and getting jammed. What is the problem? Is my portable compressor too small?
M Stehelin
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change the trigger.
I have the N88 I just got.
You need to install the sequential trigger till you become more experianced.Its a two minute installation.
edit: DONT USE GENERIC NAILS!!!!!! Big mistake!
Mine came with the sequential trigger as an option.....
Be safe
My life is my practice!
Edited 10/25/2003 3:46:49 PM ET by Andy Clifford(Andybuildz)
Edited 10/25/2003 3:48:02 PM ET by Andy Clifford(Andybuildz)
It's not the compressor it's a bostitch.
Framing nailers are dangerous. Cheap framing nailers are deadly.
I agree with both points made above. You can easily solve the double nailing problem by installing the optional sequential fire trigger. If your unit did not come with it, call the manufacturer and they will ship one right out.
Unfortunately, I also have to agree that the Bostich nailers are not the quality I thought they once were. I do not know what you paid or where you bought it, but if you can return it, consider the senco framer I recently saw packaged with an 18 gage stapler for only $199 at Lowes. Ok, sorry, it was Lowes, but it's still a good nailer at a good price.
I own the porter cable and would even recommend that very highly over the Bostich.
Good luck.
You can make the best of nailers double fire.
I also have the a Bostitch nailer. It is a very light tool compared to some of the others.
You might try adjusting your nailing technique a bit.
Try using a lighter touch when you are nailing. Don't push the nailer against the wood as hard. When you really bear down, the gun fires, recoils and with you holding tight you inadvertently are pressing it back down to wood again, getting another fire.
If you will lighten up enough to let the gun come up off the wood after it fires, there will be no double fire.
For very precision nailing the sequential trigger is the way to go,(like Andy mentioned), but for nailing walls together, (face nailing through the plates), or blasting a header together, you'll want to be able to bump fire it.
Switching brands of nailers might not be a problem solver for you.
From the replies you got, I wonder if there is some confusion about what you mean by "double nailing"? Do you mean two nails per shot, or machine gun nailing (one shot rapidly followed by another)?
I have a a sequential trigger so it is one shot per pull. No bump nailing. I'm talking about that fact that 2 nails exit at the same time and frequently jam the gun up. The model I have is a bostitch dual nail style (both metal fastener and regular stick nails).
It was featured in a fine homebuilding review.
New problem, need a new solution.
First...make sure you are using the right nails.
The N88 RH MCN-2 must use the plastic colated 21 degee nails.
If you are using 28 degree wire colated nails, that's the problem.
We ran into this a couple of months ago., right here in another thread.
It took care of the problem.
Hope this helps.View Image
I am using the 28 degree wire collated nails. I'll switch and see how it goes.
I think it has a lot to do with trigger technique. I always tell my helpers that firing a nailer is not like firing a gun. The nailer requires a quick pull and release on the trigger while a firearm is more of a squeeze technique. Usually that explanation helps them along.
Try increasing the pressure a bit .If that doesn't work, check the cut in pressure.Sometimes the control lets the pressure drop too low before the compressor cuts in.
Hold it light... hold it tight... pressure up.. pressure down...
sounds like a bad disco song.
It amazes me that anyone would put up with dangerous tools. Last week fox news reported a women who shot herself in the heart with a PC framing nailer. Being afraid of unpredictable tools aint for me unless I'm getting paid Sigfried and Roy scale wages.
A trip to the emergency room will certainly be more expensive then the money saved by not buying a Senco or Hitachi.
_________________________________________________________________If you were arrested for being a quality builder would there be enough evidence to convict you?
I had the same problem initially with the N80 I used for my roof sheathing.
To avoid double nailing, think of the trigger as a safety rather than a trigger. Pull the trigger all the way with the nailer a couple inches above the wood, and hold it. Then touch the nailer down til it fires, and pull it away and relase the trigger. Practice on some scrap lumber. When you get the feel for this "bump" mode operation, you won't get doubles any more.
Jamming is usually a dirt problem. With non-OEM nails, the paper and glue that holds them together can get in the way once in a while instead of getting expelled. I found that a little extra pressure on the follower would usually make it advance and unjam. If that didn't work, the next thing to do was disconnect the air, empty it, and blow the crud out. Very rarely I had to resort to long thin needle nose pliers. Don't ever look into the business end of it without pulling the air hose off first.
-- J.S.
I bought my framing nailer (a Paslode air unit), never having fired one. I too had double firing issues, but only when firing lefty, so I knew it was me.
I adopted the "bump, or bounce technique", and that has been the solution. When I need more precision, I allow the unit to recoil back, rather that trying to hold it down as mentioned above. It does require a bit of a light, but controlled touch.....
Jake Gulick
[email protected]
CarriageHouse Design
Black Rock, CT
Nailer double nailing.
Old problem, new advise. My Porter cable DA250C 15ga angle nailer was pushing two nails with one pull of the trigger. I disassembled the nailer, removing the piston driver assy.Upon inspection, there was a slight curvature to the steel of the driver. I made a mental note to reinstall it with the curve to curve up towards the front of the nose of the nailer. I then carefully gave the impact edge a slight bevel on the back side with a grinder to possibly clear the second nail head. Reassembled and it's trim time again for me.