Is it safe to drive 10d nails squarely into the face of a 2x ~1/2 in from the end? 1-1/2 in nails and I’ll predrill.
Need to attach a metal strap to the bottom of rafters along the bottom where they sit on the top plate. The bottom row of holes on the strap is a little over 1/2 in from the end. The top row is ~1-1/2 in but top and bottom row holes are unfortunately lined up along the direction of the grain. There are already toenails in the way that I will need to tap in flush with the surface. I don’t want to crack or otherwise degrade the end of the 70 year old douglas fir rafter.
Sitting here in the late afternoon with a cup. What is the purpose here? I’m confused, is that a huricane clip you’re using? Maybe me or the photo is askew. Looks like you’re tying the rafter to a joist.......
Or, is that outside the house?
I think you pretty much got it. Nail 2x6 across the joists in the attic along top plate, attach rafter bottoms to 2x6 with twist straps. Purpose is to reinforce weak-ish roof structure because there are no rafter ties. Recommended (in nonspecific terms) by a structural engineer. Now I'm measuring 50 times before I cut once.
Ok, thanks for the description. If engineered I will not argue......
I’m thinking the upper row of joist hanger nails would get way more bite in the rafter. The ones close to the the bottom? Not so much.
If the idea is to prevent spread of the walls and sag of the roof I’d be asking about a long connection from wall to wall. If just to try and hold the rafters, I guess it works.
You have to be careful the size of the predrill .......Too big and you lose the strength of the connection.
But then again, I’m just a dumb carpenter with no engineering experience and more brains than to think about taking this job on at 70
Best of luck!
I've had good luck with Simpson's connector screws in places like this.
If I need to get a toenail head out of the way, is it safer to tap the nail in farther with a broad punch or grind off the protruding bit of the nail head?