I tested for radon and I got a 6.1 result. I’ve spent some time looking at a bunch of youtube videos on how to get rid of radon and it can be a bit of work. Seems like if I hire a pro, its going to be 1200-2500.
Overall, the professional fix seems to be to pull that gas out from under the slab before it can get into the basement. This involves drilling through the basement floor and setting up a bunch of pipes. My basement is concrete floor and stone walls (built in 1897).
Since we don’t use the basement much, I was thinking of actually running a 4″ pvc pipe to the outside and having a small fan on the basement floor push the air into the pipe and out. This would generate negative pressure in the basement which in return would pull air from underneath the main door into the basement. The other option is to perhaps remove a couple of weather strips I put on the outside door that goes into the basement. Then there is the sealing any and all cracks I find on the floor. Though can I really seal the basement if I have stone walls?
Any opinions on this? Not looking to fully remove radon but to drop it to <4.
Also, is a 6.1 reading bad / severe?
Thanks Everyone! Sorry if I posted this in the wrong area.
As a contractor I'd say the correct fix is the more expensive option. On the other hand if it were my own house I'd carefully caulk any cracks in the floor and foundation then coat the concrete and stone with a barrier coat brushed on to reduce permiability to the gasses. If the soil under the slab is sandy a single vent through the slab ducted to the exterior with a small fan may work great to move the gases to the exterior. I'd have at least a small vent through the slab and a small vent for above slab air ducted to the exterior, but it may not have to be much - even a few air exchanges per hour will be vastly better than what you have now.
I'd seal the floor/walls and install a minimal vent above slab and retest.
I agree. Try the easy stuff first. Seal gaps at the floor/wall connection with good quality silicone caulk. See any other penetrations you can find, including any sump pit cover. Any connections into the floor should be addressed.
A slight positive pressure in the basement may help keep the infiltration down.
A 6 reading is low, but, above the EPA threshold of 4. Bad readings can be much higher and will require positive underslab evacuation.
Good luck, Bob.