so now I really need some help….
I’ve had my house built for a few years now and have it all plumbed in for my HRV. I have my intakes in the living areas and the exhaust in the bath and kitchen areas right…. So I get talking with the sales men and he informs me that I shouldn’t be planning on using the HRV vent to take place of a regular bath or Kitchen fans. I’m not going to get the air exchanges in the bath that I need. Even if i turn the unit on high, he figures I’ll be pumping more outside cold air in the house then I need to be. I could put in remote fans in ducted work that I was going to use for exhaust in the baths. Now how to vent exhaust from the rest of the house. All the stuff that I ever looked up on HRVs shows you pull the exhaust form the baths or Kitchen. I am going to but the HRV hanging on the wall in the garage for easy service. So all the piping for the venting is coming into one place in the garage right now. Not sure what to do
Edited 2/3/2006 10:15 pm ET by DaveTous
Edited 2/3/2006 10:19 pm ET by DaveTous
you don't show where you are in your profile
As a gc i have had a number of these units installed over the years and we ehausted the kitchen and bath using timed controls hooked to the 2 speed motor in the hrv to increase cfm after showering or using the stove otherwise they ran 24/7 on low speed recvering 80% of the heat from the exhausted air
sounds like you should talk to a installer rather than a salesman
That's Kind of what i was thinking the first when I installed it. I have a 12 volt wire ran to these locations now. I should be able to use just about any type of 12 volt timer right.
Thanks Dave
Edited 2/8/2006 9:25 am ET by DaveTous
I am not a installer but a gc , a electrician does ours , however it would depend on the machine that you are using
all new homes here use them , just the make and models change depending on the size of the house mainly,
the installer has a instrument for measuring the flow so that he can balance the flow
i don't exactly know how it works but in the case of a R 2000 home he has to certify the installation and ive seen them pulling their hair a few times when the results werent quite right
on a 3000 sq ft home the unit is the size of a under counter fridge
Your right about the talking to the installer. Do you have any phone numbers of any? I'm in Valdez Alaska.
dident see Valdez in your profile ,your a long way from me (eastern canada)
a better idea might be to contact tech support of the company whose hrv you are planning on using as there will be different requirements for different models
here the furnace installers put them in as they are tied into the furnace duct work