Hey guys, seeing as I’m starting the new job next week I’ve been thinking – I hate the circular saw that I’ve got right now. I’ll quote a famous line from this forum to describe it – “yellow crap near the stream.” I think when I’m done with this saw it’ll land near a stream and sit their for eternity. So anyways, I’ve decided to go back to a basic 7 1/4″ circular saw with fewer bells and whistles – I seemed to be able to do better work back when I had a simpler saw because I could handle it much better.
I’ve been looking mostly at two saws, the Porter Cable right handed saw, or the newer Milwaukee with the adjustable handle. I’m not looking at a worm or even the left hand PC – left hand saws just never felt right for my own tastes. Has anyone ever used the new Milwaukee – I remember Blue saying that he might buy one to try it out. I know the PC’s hold up pretty well over time, but I like the front grip and the bevel scale better on the newer Milwaukee. I’ve seen a few Milwaukee saws that were older than me on jobs and they were still running smooth as can be. I had a PC for a while when I originally replaced my first saw which got stolen, I would still have it except that the PC’s always had some little thing wrong with them – the base on one wouldn’t adjust up and down without a hammer and the motor on the other never seemed to wind all the way up, it just kinda growled the whole time. Anyone’s experiences with either saw would be helpful. Thanks – Nick
Hey guys, seeing as I'm starting the new job next week I've been thinking - I hate the circular saw that I've got right now. I'll quote a famous line from this forum to describe it - "yellow crap near the stream." I think when I'm done with this saw it'll land near a stream and sit their for eternity. So anyways, I've decided to go back to a basic 7 1/4" circular saw with fewer bells and whistles - I seemed to be able to do better work back when I had a simpler saw because I could handle it much better.
I've been looking mostly at two saws, the Porter Cable right handed saw, or the newer Milwaukee with the adjustable handle. I'm not looking at a worm or even the left hand PC - left hand saws just never felt right for my own tastes. Has anyone ever used the new Milwaukee - I remember Blue saying that he might buy one to try it out. I know the PC's hold up pretty well over time, but I like the front grip and the bevel scale better on the newer Milwaukee. I've seen a few Milwaukee saws that were older than me on jobs and they were still running smooth as can be. I had a PC for a while when I originally replaced my first saw which got stolen, I would still have it except that the PC's always had some little thing wrong with them - the base on one wouldn't adjust up and down without a hammer and the motor on the other never seemed to wind all the way up, it just kinda growled the whole time. Anyone's experiences with either saw would be helpful. Thanks - Nick