Looking at and posting to “Face on the Earth” (whatever) I remembered I had an old shareware PaintShopPro3 that was legal to distribute by any means.
So I share with you. Download attachment PSP32bit.exe and run. AVG says no viruses found. Of course not, I got this version commercially from a shareware disk myself, but i don wan you guys to worry.
Wow, that is a great program for free, but I have PSP 5.
If all you want to do is a line here or there, or convert a file, the Paint program in Windows is ok. I'll attach a couple of things I did with it. I call it the Crayon Cad program.
anything for a mac??
Sorry, no, just PC.
Dangit !!!
Now EVERYONE will be outlining faces and figures on that pic..
; )
BTW, I use 5.03. The company stopped supporting this version years ago.
: )
A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
Me too, but v3 is legal for me to distribute this way, and it is easy for an image editor newbie to use. And it should still accept many of the Adobe plugins and filters.