Options to level a tapered floor (1917 building)

Currently in an old condo building (1917) and want to remodel a kitchen/dining room. The issue I have is that the 2 end walls supporting joists are brick. The 2×10″ joists are directly on bricks and those walls have settled about 1″ over time. In the center of the room (and joists) there is a steel beam with steel supports that is the high point. When I go to level the tapered floor, what are my options?
My current thought is to locate the highest point of the joists and then shim all joists to that with custom cut shims from 2x4s. I’d adhere with construction glue and screw the shims down (with pilot holes). My concern is compression over time breaking the shims, but I dont see other options. Are there any fabricated shims with a preset taper? Looking at about 1/16″ per foot.
I dont have the floor up at this point, but might be able to lift and shim under the joist at the brick. Highly doubtful as I assume they are pinned or space limited vertically.
I think your idea of shims is the way to go. Doug fir is not going to compress that much unless your putting a large jacuzzi in the room. But if you're really worried get some maple hardwood and use that for tapers. Not cheap but the amount of compression with definitely be minimal.
I had to level a sagging settled floor, I pulled the subfloor (plywood) and glued and nailed straight 2x4's to the existing 2x10 joists. It was a lot less work than shims.