Does anybody know the name or mfg of a paint stripper that is painted on and pulls off up to seven layers of paint at a time after it dries. A friend mentioned the product but we haven’t been able to find any info as of yet.
Your name says it all... YEh... Iknow that product and used it but purposly put the name out of my mind cause it wasnt a very good product IMHO. You paint the stuff on and put a strip of fabric over it and after a said amount of time you pull the fabric off with sixteen layer of paint. NOT! Its pretty expensive for what it accomplishes in my opinion. Try a heat gun and spend the time doing it right. We all (including me) try to find quick fixes but up to date I've yet to find one .l.......and I've tried em all. Was just inquiring about a ultra violet light to melt paint and putty for $400.....forget it,Aint worth the dough if you ask me...Heat gun, good resporator and time.....don't forget the tunes....that really makes the time fly.
Be well
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Yeh -
Theres good, fast, and cheap. On a good day you can usually get two out of three. The three together don't exist.
PeelAway is the stuff that Andy was talking about.
But on This Old House they mentioned a new product that is save and it penatrates the paint film and get sunder it and causes it to lose it grip on the wood.
The is from the new project of this year. If you go to the web site and look at the project houses they have a resource guide. They where testing several different ones so you will need to check out each one that they list.
Several years ago "Old House Journal" the source for stripping paiont in houses, IMHO, panned the stuff. Maybe it's gotten better, but I doubt it.
Be careful with heat guns, they can create lead vapor if there's lead paint. I used to be a conservative untill I did a lot of stripping with a heat gun {G}
So the lead fumes from stripping paint destroyed all your conservative brain cells? :>)