Got a call today to see a drywall job. A portion about 2′ x 4′ of the ceiling is peeling. The drywaller used a Benjamin-Moore acrylic primer. The drywall paper is peeling off, just take it with two fingers and the primer and the facepaper of the sheetrock just peels off – have never seen this. It was installed with normal humidity. Also, after removing the drywall facepaper, the acrylic primer also peels off the sheetrock facepaper and the primer looks like a sheet of ordinary paper. Any thoughts on this as I have never seen this before I state my own views on why this happened. The USG rep and Benjamin-Moore rep are coming to the job this Tuesday to see it. The rock is on solid on the ceiling and the ceiling was bridged down about 4 inches on a slope with 1″ x 3″‘s. This area used to be a porch and was made into a room.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
"used to be a porch"
I was thinking maybe there was a spill of some lind in the rooms above and the liquid cauaed the separation. I've seen it happen with antifreeze fom leaking hydronic heat.
but the fact that this was a proch tells me that maybe there is no insulation and that creates condensation above.
Either that or they got a bad sheet.
Excellence is its own reward!
Interesting. How long has the dry wall been in there? If it's only confined to a 2x4 area, it sounds more like some kind of a leakage than humidity problem.
Let us know what the reps say.
The job was done by the first drywaller 5 weeks ago!
I doubt its leakage other wise you'd notice water staining in most cases. More a humidity problem or the spackle job was sanded in that area and not wiped down causing the primer to not adhere properly.....but the face paper came off too? hmmmm
Let us know what shakes.
In his first interview since the stroke, Ram Dass, 66, spoke with great difficulty about how his brush with death has changed his ideas about aging, and how the recent loss of two old friends, Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg, has convinced him that now, more than ever, is the time to ``Be Here Now.''
I thought of the humidity problem at the first thought and then later on perhaps condensation, and the owner tells me that the roof was checked by the town inspector and by the owner. Listen fellas, this owner can do it all in a house, except he's partially disabled. He made a gas stove out of an old wooden stove, ya all should see this, I was floored and thought it was new. he's got 3 safety checks built into the system and the manufacture of the stove, Vermont something offered him $4,700.00 for it and it's only 2' x 3' - gorgeous piece of work as he refurbished it totally. He made his own fake logs for the gas stove, new glass, etc. The Benjamin-Moore rep came over yesterday and told him that an acrylic primer which the first drywaller used was not optimum. That's what I told the owner - that I have never seen an acrylic primer used on new drywall. So what I'm gonna due is put a layer of 3/8" rock over it, I'll finish it and prime it with Sheetrock Firscoat and let ya all know what happens after.
It happens on the entire ceiling - the peeling just keeps on going.
"Let's give 'em something to talk about, a little mystery to figure out.." - Bobbie Rhrait