Does anyone have any photos of a slumped block wall? Or maybe can recommend a sight with some? After a search on the web of cmu/block manufacturers I only came up with a few, and of marginal quality. We are trying to put some images together for a city’s permit review.
p.s. If nothing turns up, i may have to find a Taco Bell and photograph a side without any signage.
what do you mean by slumped
*I think what you want is called "Split Face" block. Used to be called slump stone here in Southern Calif. Joe H
*This (may not be clear enough) is a slumped brick example. Late '50's construction, Jacksonville, FL. Each "brick" is nominal 4"x4" (face and depth) but varies in length from 8" to 24". No longer made or available, according to my brick supplier. Appears to be a sand, aggregate, binder (portland perhaps) mixture but rather soft. I believe this was a wood mold process where the mixture was just dropped into the mold as if it were bread dough and just left to harden. The face is irregular but not angular like split-face, with slightly rounded edges and somewhat pocked with air bubbles. Would not tolerate prolonged walking traffic but as a veneer has stood up well for over 40 years.
*Thanks all for the feedback. Ralph, thanks for the photo. We have some similar, and aren't sure if they will convey the idea well enough.Joe: (I could be mistaken) but I think slump block is different from split face. Slump uses a wetter than normal mixture, and looks somewhat rounded. In the old days (not sure if still the practice), the forms were removed before the blocks had fully set up. The mix then "slumped" down a bit. Often used to mimic adobe.Will have to abandon the search for now, bigger fish to fry. Thanks again.
*Too bad you didn't need this a year ago. I could have shipped you some actual bricks. Now they are somewhere deep in a landfill.
Does anyone have any photos of a slumped block wall? Or maybe can recommend a sight with some? After a search on the web of cmu/block manufacturers I only came up with a few, and of marginal quality. We are trying to put some images together for a city's permit review.
p.s. If nothing turns up, i may have to find a Taco Bell and photograph a side without any signage.