Doing some renovations for our church built in 1811. Probably going to tear out the plaster ceiling and drywall this huge vaulted expanse. There’s an ornate plaster medallion in the center that’s probably 8′ by 5′. I’ve never worked with these things, how can we remove this without it falling apart?
And a note of interest, we’ve got a crack from foundation to ceiling (about 20′) that shows up in the corner within a few weeks of being patched and has for longer than anybody can remember. We haven’t gotten a solution but I just found out where it came from. Apparently it first showed up when my great grandfather used dynomite to dig the front stairwell inside the church. I guess alot of people were mad at him at the time for blasting inside God’s house.
Doing some renovations for our church built in 1811. Probably going to tear out the plaster ceiling and drywall this huge vaulted expanse. There's an ornate plaster medallion in the center that's probably 8' by 5'. I've never worked with these things, how can we remove this without it falling apart?
And a note of interest, we've got a crack from foundation to ceiling (about 20') that shows up in the corner within a few weeks of being patched and has for longer than anybody can remember. We haven't gotten a solution but I just found out where it came from. Apparently it first showed up when my great grandfather used dynomite to dig the front stairwell inside the church. I guess alot of people were mad at him at the time for blasting inside God's house.