plumbers-which way does the t go
i’ll see if i can explain my question…. have a vent line running vertical up the wall, i have another vent coming into it horizonal,so i use a sanitary t to join them. does the t go on just like it was draining a sink or turn it upside down so that it “flows” upward toward the roof.or does it even matter? thanks larry
I put them in pointing 'up' but I don' think it matters, and I never met an inspector who cared. The horizontal pipe feeding into the side of the tee is sloped slightly up also.
I also always have them converge in the up direction. A slight benefit in allowing air to flow as easily as possible into the vent system. Otherwise the air has to turn around the lip in the Tee.
I also maintain my 1/8" per foot slope in the horizontal vent lines. Because water can get into them from above (rain) or from fixtures. You want that water to have a clear flow direction downhill.David Thomas Overlooking Cook Inlet in Kenai, Alaska
Alawys, Think like water. Air will flow fine around any corners, water, WHEN it gets in your line won't. look at which way the water would flow in the horizontal pipe and Tee appropriatlely.
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