Plywood shear walls- okay to use screws?

Can screws be used instead of nails for shear walls? My buddy wants to be able to remove sections in case repairs or maintenance is needed. A survey of a few contractors we know has shown no consensus. Thanks for any feedback.
Don't think screws would work. Person to check with, would be whoever stamped the shear wall design.
Thanks for the reply. I'll advise a trip to the building dept.
I have a vague memory of reading that sometimes screws would work. Definitely not the brittle "Piffin screws", but some of the deck screws or similar that would give a little. However, it would still require that such a design get approval from the AHJ, which might involve a Professional Engineer also.
I've seen many shear walls with screws and even talked with a retrofit contractor a couple years back so it seems that it may be allowed using proper non-Piffin screws. I'd like to get the official word before advising anything, but unfortunately I don't have time to wait in line at the building dept. tomorrow.Thank you for the information and suggestion.
I believe there was something about this here about 9-12 months ago. Depends a lot on the AHJ, but IIRC one of the screw mfgrs has gotten their screws rated for this duty.