Hello to all. I’m a new member and not very familiar with this site. I’ve been trying to find information on the materials needed to pour a slab next to an existing one and tying in the two. The one in question is 8’x16′. Also, can this be done with sack crete? What is the formula for figuring out how much concrete to order or bags to get?
Edited 10/13/2002 12:05:34 PM ET by KUDZOO12
8'x16'x4" thick = 42.24 cubic feet or about 1.6 cubic yards. That is a lot of "sack crete." The volume that each bag will give is marked on the bag. It can be done, but you can't stop for a break once you get started, or you will get cracks. You can not tie to the other slab without a crack, so an expansion joint is your best option.
You'd need a creww of at least three or four hustlebunnies chewing kudzoo leaves to pour this with sakrete. One end is likely to be setting up before you finish mixing the other and you couldn't be able to screed it level or finish it well.
Excellence is its own reward!
Call the local concrete plant and see what they charge. You won't save anything by mixing sacrete. Here is site with info.
It will cost you double in sack crete to pour a slab. plus all that wheelbarrowing and mixing. 33 sack equal one yard. 33 times 3.43 = 113.19 ayard here is $43.00