I have a 1/2HP Meyer Jet Pump that is at least 20 years old and still working fine. I have the docs for the pump off of the Meyer website which was a great find. The only problem is the docs say to look under the cover of the pressure switch for instructions in setting the on and off pressure setting which on my pump revealed nothing.
Can anyone confirm of the two obvious set nuts, one on a large spring and one offset on a pivot point. Which is the setting the on pressure and which is setting the off? And is tightening, increasing or decreasing the on/off pressure.<!—-><!—-> <!—->
Any help would be appreciated!<!—-><!—->
Thanks! <!—-><!—->
Mike <!—-><!—->
<!—-> <!—->
I answering off the top of my head, but here goes.
I believe the nut on the big spring sets the cut-off pressure, tighten (CW) to increase the pressure.
The little spring sets the difference between cut-off and turn-on pressure. Normally set at around 20 psi difference.
In other words, if you leave the little spring alone, you will always have approx 20 psi difference between cut-off and turn-on no matter what you do with the large spring.
Your memory is correct... Perfect! Thanks!
Just recalling what it took go get a worn out pump to cycle.