Where can I go to find unbiased information about products used inside the home, or rather home building products? Is there a websight that is simular to consumer reports that will deal with said products, tools and the like?
Thanks in advance for the help, turtle boy
Tools. Its as good as any I have seen. They don't sell anything. Always a good start.
You are here. Ask away!
Thanks for the invite. I figured I'd end up asking a lot of questions that others have asked about the same product(S).
I'm looking for advice on a prefinished, engineered hardwood floating (no glue) floor that will be going on top of radiant heat. What brands have fared well, easy to install?
Also, is there anything out there that I can cover walls made of concrete, green board, and OSB that will then allow for plastering?
Thanks in advance Turtleboy
I've used the Wilex flooring and like it but this is a new area for me so the juries still out for a couple years. Appearance and installation go good though. I got it with the pad already in place on the back to simplifiy. I figure it saves labor enuf to acount for the extra cost and The thought of rolling out the pad first and expecting it to not get torn or wrinkled was a stretch for my imagination.
As to the walls - are these three materials all on the same wall or do you want to take three walls of the same room with differing finishes and make them look alike? Excellence is its own reward!
They are 3 walls in the same roomand I wish to try to get them to look the same. This Wilex flooring, do you have any info on it like web addy or phone#, or store?
Thanks again for the help, turtle boy
It's made in Germany and I buy it from my local lumber yard, Viking. Three stores in midcoast area of Maine.
For a DIY project without indoing anything that is there already, I'm thinking you should see about the fake foam stucco products. Comproco is one I've used. One coat troweled on and the seams are gone, finish done if you like the rough touch. You should plan to use a bonding agent/sealer. That way you are sure of good adhesion to all three surfaces.Excellence is its own reward!