We’ve had a run of rain days here and it’s too messy to get much done so progress on the timberframe is at a halt.
I spend a few hours doing stuff inside like turning rough sawn wood into flooring and such but I’m just about out of that. this weekend looks like heavy rain so that will be a wash-out too. I’m afraid to get too much ahead since stuff sitting around has a habit of getting damaged.
So what do you do when it’s raining?
Build a dome! Once the footer's in, all the work is inside. On rainy days the guy doing the foam and shotcrete would say to us, "If you were on another site, you'd be down at the coffee shop right about now. " Of course, some days that sounded like a good idea...
Depends what the job is......who the customer is.....when the next check is due.......and what kinda rain are we talking about.
All that...and my general mood. Good day in general and lotsa energy.......I'll end up getting as much done just going home wet.
Bad day and unmotivated mood.......darks clouds that look like it might rain sooner or later can be reason enough to call it a day!
Unless it's thunderstorm rain.....buckets and buckets......I usually opt to get wet. Found out years ago I don't shrink away. And...I now have my cool Gorton"s Fisherman's hat I picked up in Nova Scotia!
She's exotic ,but not foreign, like an old Cadillac......she's a knockout!
I put out buckets and pans, mop up, maybe even start the pump.
-- J.S.
Go shoot some pool and have a few beers.
Well, like CloudHidden, I'm currently building a dome (geodesic, not monolithic) and it's a new experience for me to be in the dry so quickly.
But ordinarily, being a Western Oregon country boy, I usually just dress for the weather, #### it up and go.
Being able to have some library work (indoor stuff) on the back burner is always an ideal, but seldom works out. Seems like the indoor work usually crops up in the summertime....
Although the majority of the work I do is mid size residential renovating, I inevitably get calls from prior clients to have small projects done. As I never like telling a previous customer that Im too busy for the little stuff, I explain upfront that Im swamped right now, but if you`re not in a rush, come a rainy day I`ll swing by. I try to find a lunch hour one day to swing by and make a material list, so that when said rainy day rolls around, I`m ready to roll. If I plan everything well in advance, I can knock out two or three projects in a day.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
You can sharpen your blades. Clean the the pitch off of blades that don't need sharping. Count your supplies and get more. Sweep up the work area.
Out here in the Great Northwet we put on our rubber boots and rain gear and keep right on a treadin'. You don't work in the rain here, you'd starve.
Here in the midwest we are having a series of thunderstorms, real gully washers. no way to work through 'em so just get under cover and wait. the trouble is the yard around the timberframe is torn up so if you step into the heavy clay you wind up with a glob of it on your shoe/boot. cleaning up the mess can take more time than there is available.
I started out covering the yard with wood shavings and that helped for a while but now it's almost a quagmire since I've been planing black walnut and I'd really like things to grow so I won't spread those shavings around.
Drink,surf the net, tool shop, lie to the wife about how early you quite when she comes home.
Most of the "poision" is in the roots and shells. And it does not affect all plants.
Here is a thread in another WW forum about composting shavings.
Two years ago I layed a path into the woods near my house with black walnut sawdust. this is the first year there is any growth on the path at all and then only the strongest, toughest, weeds near the edge just the shavings on the driveway have kept all growth from showing up between the bricks in my driveway. Normally by this time every year I have to just about combine the grass.
Someone on this forum once mentioned using sand around their house to keep the mud down. didn't stick to your feet too bad, and swept up easily off the subfloor when it was tracked in.
Never tried it myself, but thought it was an interesting idea.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
wood shavings ain't gonna do no good....you need a truck load of hay bales. Jeff She's exotic ,but not foreign, like an old Cadillac......she's a knockout!
I guess it all depends also. I do something. Office, calls,shop, I try to keep things lined up for that purpose. I would do different things Im sure. That is a good day for me to look at repos. Sometimes I do as my father did; I work in between rains if the job has to be done. Like dad would say ,"its not going to rain long ". Seldon we ever missed all day because of rain. WE would sit with the job until it was time to go home, put our day in kind of thing. He always said it pays to. Most of the time it really doesnt rain that long , if at all. If you were ever going to take a few days vacation , that would be a fine time also. I used to have a wife I could grab and go, now I dont .
Tim Mooney
When I first started in the truss business, my boss told me about rain days. He said when it rains, the contractors all go back to their offices so they can call their suppliers and bug them...............(-:
I love cats...they taste like chicken.
Doesnt rain a whole lot here so ......three words......"Flip flop joint" : )~
YA gotta live!
Be well
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