A commercial property is being developed next to my backyard. The developer has been great about including my wife and me in the planning of the fencing and landscape screening. The plans include a 7′ high cedar fence that will separate an area for dumpsters from the back of our yard – about a 25′ run. We are concerned about rats having free access and/or tunneling from the dumpsters into our yard. The fencing contractor has quoted a price using chicken wire attached to the bottom of the fence, then digging down and forming an “L” shape to create a barrier. From what I’ve read, chicken wire is too porous – rats can fit through the mesh. I’ve considered hardware cloth, 1/4″ or 1/2″ as another option. Are there other cost effective solutions that I’m missing?
Thank you!
If the rats want in they will get in. They can go right over the fence. They are smarter than you are. They are faster than dogs or cats. I'm in my own battle with rats.