REcommendation for a SHALLOW PIT Sump Pump

My existing pump “Little Giant” model 5-asp 1/6 hp is over 20 years old and I am shopping for a replacement. I would just replace with the same model as it would work in my shallow pit, except I am seeing complaints that quality has significantly gone down. I see that the Zoeller M-53 and the comparable Wayne pumps get the best reviews BUT my existing sump hole in my crawlspace is SHALLOW. 10 inches deep and 34 inches in diameter. I do NOT want to excavate deeper since the crawlspace is tight and my house sits on very rocky subsurface. I need to use a crowbar to dig a hole on my property. I’d like to find a decent pump that would have similar on/off water depth performance as my existing Little Giant except hoping to get a higher quality pump. Thank you for any recommendations I can review ! dmy
I can offer no suggestion of a pump but I would advise investigating an alarm since you can’t just look down the basement steps.