remove basement column on load bearing wall

Hi there! I am in the process of finishing my basement (2 story colonial). I have a column on a load bearing beam I would like to remove, but I’m not 100% on the best way to re-enforce the load. The beam span is 12′ long and there is currently 3x – 2×10’s with one end of the beam siting in the notch in the foundation and the other end on a different column. I have an additional column that is 6′ in that I would like to remove. I know the proper way would be to remove the 2×10’s and replace it with 3 2×10 LVL’s. However, I’m wondering if I could get by with sistering an LVL on each side of the existing beam and then removing the column? I will be framing a wall against the foundation which will also be extra added support under each side of the beam. I will upload pictures of what I currently have.
Your suggestions may work but why not consult with a structural engineer and get something that will let you sleep at night.
because funds are low, and if I did that then there would be no point in posting this post as I would have my answer.....
Well seeing as how our advice is free, you will get exactly what it's worth.
What advice? You gave no advice other than hiring an engineer. LOL.. Obviously if I hired a structural engineer I would have my answer thus not needing to post here. I guess I don't understand the point of this forum if your your advice is to just hire a professional and patronize our questions. Thanks anyways, sorry to waste your time.
"because funds are low, and if I did that then there would be no point in posting this post as I would have my answer....."
If you're obtaining a permit for the work, the building official may demand that a professional Engineer sign off on what you plan to do. Especially if it doesn't fit into any of the prescribed load tables in the Code. Responses here will not sway the building official.
False savings my friend.
Thank you sir
"Especially if it doesn't fit into any of the prescribed load tables in the Code. "
Where can I find those?
Depends on where you live I suppose. Maybe the local library? Perhaps it's available on your state's web site. Or your could purchase the relevant Code books.
I get mine online.
thank you!
Where did you get the idea that three 2x10 LVL would do the job for the full span?
Remember that this beam needs to be installed so that loads at support points are carried to the foundation. Depending on the details, your concrete slab floor may not be up to the task.
Why not build a pair of temporary walls on either side of the existing beam, and install the proper support?
You should be able to reuse the materials used in your temporary walls as you refinish the basement.