Remove tile from drywall…ideas anyone?

I am removing a poorly installed tile shower. It was put on 5/8 regular DW, no mud pan, plumbing loks like a 10 year old did it etc…
Problem is, I need to save the tile. I cut the grout joints and chiseled out in between removing the drywall and all in 12 x 12 squares. I didn’t want to risk breaking the tiles trying to pry them off the wall. I assumed I would have an easier time removing the DW after all this, but it is awfully slow-going.
A laborer asked if there was something we could soak them in? I thought if we filled a bathtub or two up with hot water and let them soak a while it may come of easier. Maybe put some type of soap or other detergent in there?
If anyone has any ideas, I am open to them.
Thanks a lot.
Edited 12/15/2008 9:43 pm ET by Jed42
Think I would hook up my pressure washer.
Yeah! I actually thought of that...but as a last resort, really.
No Coffee No Workee!
If the tile was applied using mastic then some sort of petroleum solvent might work.
But the best approach is to break one. Then give up on the whole idea.
But the best approach is to break one. Then give up on the whole idea.
I'll second that.
I aint seen a tile that costs as much as trying to save a shower full, one at a time.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
I get the idea here. Thanks to all.
BTW I am removing half the shower, installing a shower insert (3 x 3) in half of it, and moving the toilet into the other half. Here's a picture before I started removing stuff.
I only need enough tile to patch in really. I though for a minute that I might just take the side wall and the whold back wall out, install the insert, install new greenboard, then re-install the saved tile (about 24). What I'm going to do now is cut the tile where I need it out and finagle the insert in there. I'm sure I can do it this way, just wanted to make it easier. Doesn't sound like it will work too well in the tub, so I will only need to save 8-10 tiles. I think I can handle (or the laborerer can handle) doing that many.
Thanks again!
No Coffee No Workee!
how many sq ft you doing? cause this is a big job if your trying to save 50 tile.let alone a 3 sided shower stall.
if i understand you right you have this cut off in squares with the tile still attached. i'd soak em in water till the drywall would come off. then i usally take a grinder and clean up the back side. one time i had a bunch to do and used my benchtop belt sander. you might try that first if you have one,it would make a lot of dust !
next deal is find a complimentry tile and retile.
if a man speaks in the forest,and there's not a woman to hear him,is he still wrong?
Being as drywall falls apart in water, I would soak overnight and check in the morning if they can be cleaned off. Maybe place on a flat surface and scrap off the loose then pressure wash the last bits away. ( What a mess)
But with the time and labor involved these better be high price tiles!
If they did such an amateurish job, they probably use the cheapest tile available and glued it on with mastic, which will be very difficult and time consuming to remove.
In your position, I wouldn't waste my time unless I were unemployed and broke or if the tile is something special. I'd chuck the whole mess and find some nice tile to replace it.
what you have there is a 'high effort - low reward' situation...
You want to avoid those, in favor of your basic 'low effort - high reward' scenario.
Occasionally the 'high effort - high reward' scenario is acceptable.
Soak 'em. If it works-great. If it doesn't-give up.
I did this, and soaked them in a bucket of stripper, then scrubbed them with a nylon brush and lots of water- worked fine, but kind of a PITA to work with the stripper. (I used the real strong stuff, not the mild "green" kind. Also, mine were 4x4 tiles, so easier to soak.