What is the best was to remove wax from doors that
has a lot of wax applied to them? Sandpaper gums up
right away and alcohol and acetone work slowy and they
seem to spread the wax around to the outside of the area
that is being cleaned. They dry so fast it hard to use
them to clean. The doors are 50 years old and flat panel.
they will be repainted with latex
I have had good results with naptha.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
Wax is hard. It is mixed with turpentine, mineral spirits and other solvents to make it soft. Each new coat removes most of the previous coat. The "wax buildup" TV commercial is mostly advertising hype. The exception is liquid wax. The above solvents will remove wax.
You may want to try an open coat sandpaper. The Norton 10X type has worked very well for me in not loading and lasting. You can also use Liquid Sandpaper. This is a more volitile solvent like naptha and the ones you've been using. You are probably washing off some of the existing finish when you use such strong solvents not to mention the smell and exposure you have to deal with.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
again you are right, the solvent in most waxes is tolulol..nasty shid..fast flash, leaves no trace..it actually is a degreaser..nasty , nasty, headache till the 7th Tuesday of the month.
I'd be inclined to seal with Zinnsers "seal -Cote" and paint ovr that.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.