I would like some advice about how to deal with the juction of my roof and wall of a dormer. Specifically, what would you put on the wall that would hold/hide the vinyl siding edge (the one with the angled cut) that would appear to rest on the shingles? I would prefer to use something that might look like a piece of trim stock to match the trim on the soffets?
Also, what about vinyl gable vents to fit at the peak of the roof. I’d need it to have an 8 pitch on both sides and a base between 16 and 24 inches. I looked into fypon but was told that they are 150$ each. Any help would be appriciated.
Thanks in advance turtle boy
how about the standard ...flashing behind....then J-channel?
Or...custom bend some trim stock......
Or.....glue up some PVC trim so you have a hidden rabbit...maybe..say....2" piece glued to a 4" piece......
..............Al-ways look on......the bright......side of life...........
Go here and enter "vents" in the serch box
Excellence is its own reward!
Thanks for the link though I got to tell you I was scared when the first entry was Funeral products. I just e-mailed them about the vents. Do you know off hand if they have different sizes for the triangle vents. They listed one at 159 sqin but without doing the math I figured it would be easier to give either a base or height measurement to order?
Thanks for the info on the ladder. Which bring me to another question. If I were to get another ladder either fiberglass or aluminum ( I didn't know you could get a type IA in aluminum) type IA 28', waht would be the best way to store it outside as it would be too large for my shed?
Thanks again for all your help, turtleboy
Get an aluminum and lay it on the side rails....or flat...what ever suits ya. I'd recommend a chain......'cause it'll be there not rusting long after the thieves can't steal it.
Jeff..............Al-ways look on......the bright......side of life...........
Best is horizontal. If on ground level it should be on dunnage so its not getting dirt and grit in the runners. Not only does that make it a pain to operate, the grit wears it out to make it sloppy quicker..
Excellence is its own reward!
damn, turtle.. r u still at it ?.. how's the family ?
i like a color coordinated aluminum step flash.. then a J-mold to terminate the trimed vinyl edges.. and i don't like my siding to touch the roof.. i want to see a neat 3/4" of flashing to show above the asphalt shingles.. that's why we use colored aluminum coil stock to make our flashings..
Mike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore