I am located in RI. I have noticed many homes have heavy staining on their asphalt roofs and this is the first year that I have noticed it. Probably some type of fungus. Apparently others are noticing too because signs have popped up offering roof cleaning .
My own home has this fungus and I am looking for a product/method to clean the roof without destroying it. Bleach and scrubbing seems like a solution but I think it would harm the roof. I tried oxy bleach but it didn’t really do much.
Any ideas on methods or products that can be used.
Is the staining consistant across the roof or is there a lack of staining directly below any metal flashings?
copper p0rn
The staining is not limited to under metal objects. Staining occurs all over the roofs.
You missunderstand me. Is the stain less or non-exisitant downstream from metal flashings? Or is it even over the entire roof?copper p0rn
On my house the severe staining is under (downstream) from my skylights; on my neighbor's house his severe staining(more than mine) is on the roof where no metal is located