I’ve been lucky with no major injuries; this weekend, I’m cutting out a sink hole in coutertop and note the jigsaw is marking the formica. I turn it upside down to put masking tape on the shoe, and as I put on the second piece, the top mounted switch (which is now on the bottom) gets activated and it starts chewing on my ring finger tip. OWW! One bandaid covered the damage, but it’ll be a couple weeks to heal. Lesson: always unplug a tool when doing maintenance!
I’m not soliciting gory stories, but there’s always room to learn from other’s mistakes too.
ouch..dats gotta smart. I think unplugging before USING A tool is a good idea...I was cutting some steel wire shelves for the DW one day..complete with a rt. angle grinder and cutoff wheel. I had my saftyglasses on..ya know the yellow ones that are at every Lowes? One problem..ya can't see the yellow sparks..so when I got done cutting I could not figue out the funny smell..when I raised my glasses up on my hat I saw that my quilt lined flannel shirt was happily blazing away..while I was still in it. Lukily I put myself out before I went back in the house or it coulda got ugly..
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
The color thing reminds me of my brother when he bought a new face shield for his motorcycle helmet; it was blue, which was nice in the sun. But then he discovered it made it almost impossible to see red brake lights on the car ahead of him, so the shield made a quick trip to the ditch, after the smoke cleared.