FineHomebuilding magazine needs to have someone review each issue BEFORE it is printed and sent out to subscribers. The cover of issue 328-December 2024-January 2025 shows a man cutting off the bottom of a wooden column with a sawzall:
– he is using ONE HAND,
-he is cutting TOWARDS his leg!
-he probably should be wearing a hard hat…
I usually find 3-4 safety issues in EVERY issue of FH – Why?
just saying
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
The only honest reply is that we don't need someone to review the magazine; we're very aware of the safety issues that appear in our articles. We document real pros working on real jobsite and we look to them for their expertise as builders, remodelers. plumbers, electricians, etc. We simply can't be the safety police and I'm not sure we'd be able to make this magazine if we tried. It also wouldn't be a very fun magazine to read if we included notes about all safety issue of any given project. It's not ideal, I admit, but it is the reality of making a realistic magazine about home building. Thank you for your candid critique.
Could you locate my contact info and get back to me off this board.
I’d appreciate it.