Where to obtain and what kind of money is involved in a stair case such as this? The newell post and ballusters are turn of the century walnut
that were purchased at an auction and were previously used in a 180 degree application so some of the ballusters will have to be added on to , some on the bottom and some on the top. The handrail will have to be new and another newell post will have to be made as the previous application only had handrail and ballustrade on one side. To make up for only having ballusters on one side wrought iron ballusters will be mixed with the original walnut ballusters. How deep am I getting in and how much should it cost?
Where to obtain and what kind of money is involved in a stair case such as this? The newell post and ballusters are turn of the century walnut
that were purchased at an auction and were previously used in a 180 degree application so some of the ballusters will have to be added on to , some on the bottom and some on the top. The handrail will have to be new and another newell post will have to be made as the previous application only had handrail and ballustrade on one side. To make up for only having ballusters on one side wrought iron ballusters will be mixed with the original walnut ballusters. How deep am I getting in and how much should it cost?