Shed foundation advice – Beam and post/solid concrete block combination

Hello everyone,
I’m looking to install a 8’x12′ shed in my backyard. My property slops back and it’s about a 3 ft drop from where the shed will start to where it will end.
I’m using an example I found online (citation below) but modifying it slightly. Instead of using post and beam all around the foundation, I want to use solid concrete blocks for the front section of the foundation and use 6″x6″ posts for the rest (see my diagram attached). The main reason for this is that I want the front of the shed to be as close to the ground possible to eliminate the need for a ramp into the shed. As you can see from the photo, the foundation is up fairly high in the front of the shed.
My question is, would this combination of post and beam/solid concrete block work? Are there any concerns for soil shifting/sinking?
Maybe there are other concerns that I’m not even considering?
Thanks for the help in advance!
Photo citation:
It's a shed, stick a 6" X 6" treated post in each corner and one in the middle of the long run. Start your treated floor at whatever height you like, even if you have to dig out the soil to get your floor down, and level your way around. Slope won't matter as long as your posts are in the ground far enough. It's a very simple process.
Thanks for the comment and recommendation. I'll keep it simple!
I agree with the first post. Forget the CMU, its alot of extra work.
Thanks for the backup. Honestly, I had to research CMU. Agreed, I don't want to do extra work. Thanks.