What do people prefer Linoleum or Vinyl Tiles? I just did a small kitchen with 12×12 teracotta looking tiles. They actually look pretty nice. I question how well they will wear.
My real question is quality. Sheet Vinyl or Vinyl Tiles?
What do people prefer Linoleum or Vinyl Tiles? I just did a small kitchen with 12×12 teracotta looking tiles. They actually look pretty nice. I question how well they will wear.
My real question is quality. Sheet Vinyl or Vinyl Tiles?
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Sheet vinyl, all things being equal, will stay cleaner and stand up to spills better. I'd prefer it in a kitchen or bathroom. But of course I'd rather have a first-rate vinyl tile job than a carpy sheet vinyl job.
In terms of wear, a lot depends on the underlayment, the quality of the material, and the quality of the installation. Tile will crack under heavy use (especially if the underlayment flexes) while sheet vinyl will wear through or buckle. Sheet vinyl is generally more easily cut or scraped.
Agree with DanH on his points. Easier to replace a tile than repair a sheet vinyl floor, too.
Generally, the "look" of sheet vinyl stops pretty short of the better or luxury vinyl tiles, but I've seen some pretty nice looking sheet vinyls lately. Still, even the best can't replicate the textures you can get with individual tiles. I think that the wood grains in tiles or strips surpass the sheet vinyl patterns.
In this market, people turn their noses up at any kind of vinyl or even laminate now, preferring even ugly engineered wood flooring. Few here have ever encountered true linoleum, and few are familiar with cork and would consider it a cheap substitute for real wood. Most would find nicer vinyl tiles preferable to sheet goods any day.
For me personally, budget is going to require me to keep it to really inexpensive vinyl tiles or strips from the local big box. When time comes to really do the kitchen floor, it will be one of the better laminates for me as I prefer the textures available in this product and need the lower maintenance and staining worries.
I think it's about quality and preparation. A 39 cent vinyl tile is what you get, and don't complain when it curls at the corners. We did a rental with vinyl tiles in a half bath and kitchen, buying expensive (thick) tiles, and it worked out great. The kitchen had a luan underlayment and we covered that with an acrylic primer before the tiles. The tiles stuck well. The half bath had only the acrylic, since it was a good foundation, and that worked as well. Neither was that big. I don't think that I'd ever do sheet vinyl myself just because I don't think I'm that good at it. Doing the tiles allows you to do custom cuts at corners and thresholds that require special skill for a single sheet flooring that I don't have.