I am in the process of framing my dream shop. I am building it completely out of salvaged materials from the habitat restore were I work. It has half inch plywood sheathing over 24†on center studs. I plan to use ¾â€ horizontal cedar shiplap siding. To maximize my materials use (because I will not be able to get any more of the same vintage, stain, age) I was hoping to be able not to break them on the studs. On one house I have done I use 2†SS trim head screws to side the whole house and I would like not to go throw that pain again. Any ideas on how best to secure the siding would be great. I am not too concerned with nail heads or filling holes but I am going to keep it stained.
Should I use Tarpaper or House wrap?
Stainles steel siding nails from Swansecure is the only way to go. They're expensive but worth it.
You get out of life what you put into it......minus taxes.