I went over to help a friend spray Valspar Hi-Build on the drywall in his new shop today.
He had a rental sprayer with a brand new .019 tip. This was the biggest tip they had available for the sprayer. It was a piston type with a good sized motor, but I’m not sure how big or what the gpm output is supposed to be. All of the info on the sprayer was covered with paint so I couldn’t read it.
The info on the side of the paint bucket said to use a tip from .019-.031 to spray the paint.
We immediately ran into a problem with the paint pattern. It would spray a decent looking fan in the middle, but would shoot streams or blobs from time to time out the edges of the pattern. We tried it at all pressure settings and the results were pretty much the same.
This is not my field of expertise, so I couldn’t tell him what the problem was. Is the tip too small, is the sprayer not powerful enough??? I’d like some advice from people who regularly spray Hi-Build and steer me in the right direction.
The owners of the rental center are good friends, but less than helpful when it comes to solving the problem!
Should be an adjustment on the gun that will control the spray pattern. Did they provide a manual with the rig? Should have.
Also helps overall to be sure you have a clean filter. I try to replace the filter everytime after I do a house.
Good luck. Sprayers are a lot of help but they can be frustrating until you get used to them.
Sounds like a bad tip since you werent stopping up.
Also the tip size was the smallest in the category . A ..031 is huge. The .019 may have been restricting the material too much if it was bad thick.
I have since found out that the sprayer has a 3/4 hp motor and is supposed to put out 1/2 gal/min. The biggest tip it will take is .021
I think the paint is too thick (looks like a malt) for this sprayer setup. I'd rather not thin it, as that kind of defeats the purpose of hi-build, but I may have to if they want to use that sprayer.
Does anyone know how big a sprayer or tip you would need to spray this paint straight out of the bucket?
We used to spray SW Hi build all the time. We have a Graco 750 and use a .31 tip. You do need a big rig. We swithced over to Builders Solution and like it even more than the high build-Helps meet those level 5 finish requirements.
Youre right .
1/2 gallon is too small .
3/4 to 1 wil do it .
But thats not gonna change the pattern you described . If you had another tip ,....
I agree. Your tip is jacked. Even if its new, too small and it got clogged fast. A bigger pump sometimes can force tiny debris out regardless. You never know it, but those great big motors never seem to get the tips clogged like the little pumps.
"A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is, tells you." -Bert Taylor
Since it's a rental, the tip is probably a good place to start. Tips do wear out and god only knows how long that unit has been in use. I'd bet there's a 50% chance that's 20% of the problem. 10% of the problem is the tip is a little small. The other 70% of the problem is probably the pump size.
Not a full time painter but stayed at Camel Back Apartments last night. :-)
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.
Pump and the tip.
Heavy material larger tip and enough pressure to pump it out= good spray pattern
Needs a better sprayer to pump it at the high pressure it needs.Or thinner material gives you a little slack but it defeats the material your spraying.
Plus look at the tip ? .021x? what fan width 4, 5, or6 and that relates to pressure to deliver the proper spray pattern.
But the spray pattern you describe says not enough pressure/to small a tip, more pressure will overcome to small a tip, but a larger tip won't overcome low pressure.