When building a set of stairs with the treads recessed into the stringers like a mortise and tenon type arrangement how deep should the mortise in the stringers be cut? For discussion purposeses lets say 2 by 12 stringers and the stair assembly will be 3 feet wide.
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About a half inch
Excellence is its own reward!
About 9/16th
Be well
Andy (tee hee)
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Edited 10/19/2002 6:01:40 PM ET by Andy Clifford(Andybuildz)
I'll up the bid to 19/32s
Going once....
Excellence is its own reward!
I would shoot for 31/64", or just shy of 1/2". You know you have to be precise with those stair measurements.
Then does the assembly get glued, screwed, or glued and screwed?
Glued with aspecial formular of flour and water and ground up calves hoofs and screwed with .....hmmmm..better ask Piff that one
Be well
AndyIt's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM