Hey everybody,
Did a search on stair newel post and had lots of different answers for attachment. I would like to sink my newel post at the foot of the porch stairs in a hole filled with concrete. Water table is about 2 feet down most of the time, but does rise above that often. I’m concerned that the post will have a short life given the water. I will be using a 4x4ACQ treated post. I find the posts that are notched to stringer and bolted are not as stiff. Your suggestions and comments are welcome.
Can you get a .60 treated 4x4? That would outlast the stairs I think.
already have the ACQ from Lowes. not sure what the concentration is. planned on doing this tomorrow, concrete will be delivered in the afternoon. no time to go shopping, thanks for the info just the same.:)
Put some 1/4 HDG lags to act as anchors into the post below grade.
This will keep the post anchored into the concrete.
if I understand you right, the lags would stick out so the concrete can wrap around them when poured, sort of like frankenstiens
You did correctly understand my badly written post Prior to ACQ I used to simply drive spikes or short pieces of rebar into the posts. ACQ's affect on steel makes me use HDG..
They can't get your Goat if you don't tell them where it is hidden.
got it, thanks