We are in the process of building our first house and stairs have been completed to the 2nd floor. On the 2nd floor, what is the minimum height of the wall that would surround the top of the stairwell. I have heard 36 inches but have not found the codes so far. Input greatly appreciated.
I have never seen anything in any code other than 36, but that does not mean it does not exist. Seems reasonable and safe, same 4" spacing rqmt.
If you're this far in the build you should have at least touched base with Inspections. Call'em up and ask, if their website is good you might find the specs there. Who drew the prints? That definitely should have been speced so check with them too, if they didn't make sure the other code relevant details are in there(railings, door openings, basement egress if pertinent, etc.). Personally I can't think of a time where a wall such as this was designed and not on the print. Are the headers for the stairs called out correctly? Double or triple joists or beam called out framing the stair openings? You mentioned the stairs as being "in". Are these the finish stairs? Or just temps until the building is dried in? If finish, I would hope that the treads and risers are temp scrubs 'cause they're going to get beat up bad before long.