Does your truss maker do this for you?
I am talking about how the hip rafters are used from the girder truss down, and how the bottom chords of the jacks are woven under.
If your trussmaker does this for you, does it include the cut and detailed hip rafter pieces?
Hi Bob, we have one company that will send out the jacks and a short hip ,made from a truss like configuration,that runs to the girder truss.The jacks are not beveled and they are just nailed to the truss hip thing. Another one sends a 2x8 for the hip that we have to cut and there are jacks that run into it, Then the bottoms of the jacks nail together.
If you have some special way to figure out the length of the hip fill ins that continue up the the ridge , it would help me. I usually have to make a little mock up so I can get the proper distance between the trusses. I'm not a real sine,cosine,tangent guy.kellyw
Edited 7/27/2004 7:24 am ET by weav
Your picture shows a hip system that's pretty typical for this area. But hip systems vary widely from one place to another in how they're done.
Some places bevel their jacks, some don't.
Some places step the trusses down, others do a "california hip", where the jack top chords go up over the step-down trusses.
Some use diagonal corner girders, kinda like that valley thing you posted.
Other places do wierd step-down things in the corners.
some places do the step-down trusses like you've shown, then build a lay-in frame that sits on the flat area.
You really need to ask around locally to see what you're most likely to get. Even if you draw it up one way, the framer and truss company are likely to resist doing it in a way that's different than what they're used to.
Mediocrity: It takes a lot less time and most people won't notice the difference until it's too late.